DREAM Imposter Role in Among Us
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Today we played the Dream Imposter mod! Dream is an expert speedrunner, but can he run away from the Hunters? Let’s find out!
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The "Zoom" Is my favorite thing now
It would have been better if vents were the trapdoors
Dum is dumb
Nome:I hate green people
Her green/lime color:oh so you are chosen death
Gnome: I hate green people
Me: …But you are green
Edit: I think gnome hate her self
They are so funny but the girls voice are cute
Nope dream crewmate role
You r green girl you r say i hate my selp
Gnome: I hate green people
Me: so u hate ur self cuz u green u lawn gnome
YouTube channel it’s ready to get started bullying him so he decided trying to make his own YouTube channel so he still wonder if he even started recording on Minecraft and that’s how you got good at
me: look at your self :/
moher; you know if we gave timmy and franklin they're own bows we'd be doing a lot better
Hahah gnome said I hate green people but she's green tho
Does gnome hate herself?😂😂😂🤣🤣🙃
Its a 1000000000 VS 1 Dream SpeedRun Be Like:
This is very awsome
Dream=Sonic In This Mod
dum ahahawdaw
me what was that
The funny part is when caption says zoom
Spider dream make that a song game toons
I see dream
Says I hate green people
Skin is green
🙁 they no make mod of me:((((((
O: DrEaM ImPOster In AmonG uS in 3 aM??!!1!!!1!!! CALLING DREAM AMOG US AT 3 AM HE CALLED O_O_O_O_O_O
0:21 go faster u lil ***
Captain 2021
Whit if Gnome don,t 👍🏻 green players waey sy is green
:gnome well I hate green people :me but you are green
There has to be a gf role and it could have abilities that like summon pico or something like in week 7. It would be really cool, since they'res already a bf impostor role.