Como Hacer figuras de Among Us de Plastilina/ Fan Art/ How to make (Among Us) clay figures
Plasti Figuras P.A.
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Aquí te muestro como hacer figuras de Among Us de Plastilina, Si tienes alguna sugerencia de algún personaje déjalo en los comentarios. Suscribete y dale like si quieres ver mas videos como este 🙂 ↓↓↓↓
Here I’ll show you how to make (Among Us) clay figures, If you have any suggestions of a character leave it in the comments.
Subscribe if you like to see more videos like this 🙂
Mira como hacer la base:
Materiales Utilizados en la figura:
-Plastilina color púrpura
-Plastilina color naranja
-Plastilina color blanco
-Plastilina color rojo
-Alambre galvanizado 2,11 mm(diametro)
-Cinta de papel
Suscribete 🙂
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Plasti Figuras P.A.
Te quedo bellisimo😊
Has uno de impostor con pistola
Que bueno que estas de regreso
Exelente trabajo se ve fenomenal osea genial y espero ver mas esculturas asi pero tomece su tiempo y cuidase y su familia😁😁😁
Looks awesome! Glad to see you back mate! Would like to share one suggestions:
love the fact, that you made the orange guy float, but it is so close to the ground, that from one glance, seems like they are connected to the ground from shoe-tips. the effect would have been much better IMO if the distance from the ground was larger. ( I did the same mistake on my Shazam video, It was connected to the ground via cape, but the feet were so close to it (ground), that the effect was very hard to notice and appreciate).
glad you are back!
quedo bueno
para que sirve la parafina?
La verdad muy pero muy bueno te quedo
Hola soy nueva en tu canal
Saludame brooo