BABUSHKA The Movie | Among Us Animatic
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I wanted to make this animatic for so long. This Among us Round was hilarious 😂
Edit: Ok, I just noticed that a few of these streamers watched this video. If you´re one of them, Please hire me! (ok, JK) Hope you guys enjoy it! 😉
Creation Time: 2 months
Frames: 652
(Music used is copyright-free)
Original video: (I edited some parts too)
Stream POV:
Corpse Husband:
Masayoshi (John):
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That´s all for today.
See you soon!!
Corpse does actually sound like he's dying, though
"Babushka" is grammar right?
corpse seems so innocent and babyish in this animation I love it
I run a D&D game. One of my players is a barbarian, who yells Babushka whenever she attacks people. I'm so happy to have figured out why.
Also fantastic quality video.
Corpse Husband: "All my friends are dead…"
I did not realize there was more to this story other than the initial Babushka blunder. I just watched it on Jacksepticeye's video.
no because i wonder what corpse was actually doing in real life as his character was just standing there the whole time 😀
You’re so talented!
The corpse laughing moment is
pretty funny
I love corpse and spedicey laughing at the first babushka😂😂😂
When I get tired this refresh my mind….
amog us
I didn’t even know that means grandma in Russian but I love how you draw this
Corpse looked traumatized in the end
me near the end "Please don't say Corpse is still there-nuuu!!! Poor corpse!" XD
Imagine people who know how to speak Russian just hearing these people scream GRANDMA GRANDMA GRANDMA
THIS IS AMAZING!!!! I wish I could draw like this! You have so much talent and tbh this video just made my day lol
I just watched everbody here's reaction 😭
too bad sykkuno, toast and jack didn't react to this on stream… (if they did react to it)
Sykunno 🥺
This is the best thing i have ever seen please keep this up, i LOVE THISSSS.
Babushka? More like babushwhacked
I like chicken tenders
Почему я не знаю английский?
why is Corpse the most adorable thing ever-
This reminds me of that community episode where they roll a die and get 6 different timelines, idk maybe I'm an idiot
Babushkha means grandma
this is so well done. great job.
Бабушка бабушка бабушка е еее
Every RADAL fan: SIMP
Perfect animatic
lmao i haven’t seen all point of views hahah that’s so funny and cute
What the fuck is happening🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂Babushka babushka where?😂😂😂🤣
Corpse sounds so innocent
it's so much entertaining with animation, thank you for this. so hilarious lmao
the kill animations in this are so good tho — especially Rae's mouth-spike on John
Wow someone actually made this hahahha
This is legitimately so gosh darned good!
I love the drawings, the expressions, and the interpretations! Stitching together so many streams so flawlessly, and getting the story to roll out so well, while showing what all the others were doing along the way!!! It actually did feel like watching a short-movie! I swear, the way you drew the scene, Tina being stabbed made me legitimately feel bad. "Tina, no!"
That zoom-in and close up of Corpse, that's living in my mind forever now too, and Brookes journey to find chicken tendies fans. 😛
Poor Corpse
Honestly I'd love to see more of these lol
Rae has a great voice for a cartoon character.
This is just too good. It will go down in history.
I really need an anime series based off the among us area :’)
I saw this in my recommendation and i saw Randal's vid lol
The last one 🤣🤣
This could actually pass as an anime series lmao
That was the LONGEST 7 minutes of my lifeeeee
Anyone know the song at 4:40 ?
I love this video