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turning among us into a dark space thriller, I’m thinking 26 episodes and a movie mhmmm. let me know if you think I did a good job with your among us main!!!
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Green should be alan
Nope it's blue and pink
im not so shy but do skip alot
oh ya I don't even do anything or say something in the chat I just skip
ok that kind of true i don't take the risk
my little brother is always blue which make the dumbs thing of ALL which its funny
What app do you use to draw
gasp is that racism I hear. oops nevermind darker skin tone for contrast. you're safe
Pink has a glint in her eyes so I think she's the 2nd imposter (eh, I am late, but idk the answer so let me have my fun)
i think the second imposter is pink-
Her not doing cyan me 🙁
As person who plays white, I can relate. I don't want to vote innocent crewmates out unless I have proof. I am also a really good impostor. Thanks for making white a girl cuz I'm a girl and most people make white a boy which are sometimes really annoying.
Red and blue
Wow the blue looks amazing!! You're so good at this type of art 😀
The thumbnail is among us in ANIME, but the title is CARTOON…… All anime fans know where this is going….
Dark blue and pink are the impostors
D/Blue had a knife
i think that red is the other imposter only because they have sharp teeth while the others are more human and in the game the imposters have sharpe teeth
Ooo I'm the kinda imposter who like fake tasks and make savatages but I help make the tasks cause I don't wanna get sus out
I'm usually yellow or lime. Depends on which one is taken but I prefer yellow✨💛≧◇≦
Me Brawn
I use red, orange, and black. Only that. Or I use brown. And I will hate who took my colour for the rest of the game.
Pink has a red dot on the bottom of here helmet
I play blue. horrible imposter, super nervous to kill anyone; lots of sabotage and venting. As crewmate I typically rush to finish tasks and scope out the others.
"Red is aggressive"
Me at Lobbies: I am an apple. Eat me.
*gets kicked out*
Sad apple noises
Me when I saw white: "A baby"
Also, I normally play black with the fedora hat jbc the hat and the color look great together.
Im mostly blue but a boy and some days im the best imposter other days im the noob imposter
The green should be sprout
anybody else see female corpse in blue?
i know one name for green ivey
I am yellow and I have a baby crewmate but I’m not the parent of the group I am mostly the quiet one-🧍🏽♀️🏃♀️💨
for green I think should be named grant
so u was wrong… i use white all the time and im more aggressive than red
I’m an angel :>
i think red and bule
its pink and blue! pink has blood on her helmet! its not a lot but you can see the blood if you look closely
@LouSeager those are earrings I think 😂
As a player of blue, this is accurate
I honestly think White is the 2nd imposter.
Not gonna lie but red without his pupils colored he looks blind-
I love blind people
Pink … And dark blue…. Because pink is sweating so yeah and dark blue has a knife lol 🔪
I play pink and I don't act like this. I'm not trying to be mean
lavendertowne – red is aggressive red is passionate etc.
me – …..
red is love..?
is the second imposter pink?
Im red always if im not, IM LEAVING
My sister plays white and accuses everyone
My sister Matilda is the best imposter ever but she makes her kills fast and always vents she relies on the sabotage but she is a very wise player also
am lime most of the time an it's either i win as imposter ri get caught right away
I think grean should be named sprout