AMONG US but it’s a Stop Motion animation by Lee Hardcastle
Lee Hardcastle
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Who goes there? Oh, it’s an AMONG US stop-motion animation claymation holiday special! Made by Lee Hardcastle. Who is suss? Who is the imposter? Pewdiepie? KSI? Who is the telling the truth? Find out all that out in just 40 seconds! Wow wee. Indie games never felt this real! SONG: Ridge Racer (psx) Race Results
le epic
This so Animation Among Us harder intro
⛔️👉⛔️ 🆘
what did i just go through
Southern-style bottle
This is what among us should of been like
SUS -_-
I love how he did the thing reference
Love the thing references
I like this video
0:25 I watched enough anime to see what this is going to be.
Ridge racer
Red sus
This is like that movie. THE THING
When the thing is sus
I like that its like the movie the thing
But also is like among us
Damn this is like watching the thing all over again
make a people playground animation lee
madness combat relaxing
The thing+among us
This beat is fire
among us is my favorite anime
What did I watching?
Sounds like expurgation on the first part
hehehe sussy
0:26 tremenda referencia de las buenas
I liked this video
My head hurts man I don't get it its going to fast
sussy baka
It's the move "the thing" but even more SUS
There’s a the thing refrence wene greens on the tabel
The Thing+AMONG US
i feel like not only the animation but the music would really fit on adult swim
This is Awesome nice job
Purple actually didn't die to red. If you pay attention to blue you will see red following him on the pursuit to chase purple. Purple mysteriously died somehow
Look at the sus smell the sus taste the sus eat the sus
boing boing boing boing boing boing boing
Purple sus.
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