Among Us Animation Alternate Part 4 - Stranger -

Among Us Animation Alternate Part 4 – Stranger

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It’s a continuation from Among Us Animation Alternate.

Alternate Part 1:
Alternate Part 2:
Alternate Part 3:

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  1. Why yellow I really loved yellow no why ima so sad why yellow💛plz bring yellow back yellow no no no no plz bring him back plz plz plz plz I loved yello💛can you bring yellow back

  2. Make part 5 for alternate
    Too funny make it quick

  3. What happened in the first polus interaction in this timeline?
    Furthermore, How was yellow pushed?
    ALSO, how did yellow live?

    I'm assuming that each timeline has a "crewpostor" (for lack of a better term):
    Mini Yellow in the timeline that they lost
    And Red in the timeline that they almost won in

    The first game has a few noticable changes, but mostly the survivors being different (In the main line, it's green lime cyan black yellow and mini Y., while in the alternate timeline, red, white, blue, and the two yellows survive…
    I'm going to assume that for the AU, A: Yellow didn't get medbay scanned in 1st polus interaction, since if he did, then that means that a decent amount of crewmates threw, and B: Mini Yellow isn't a crewpostor. It's technically never clarified how grabbing a gun turned him into an impostor, but since he did it to save yellow from purple/pink by killing purple/pink in the main line, i'd say this is a fair notion

    But then…
    Since there's nothing that conflicts with Olive=shifter in the Main timeline, we can say that that was olive who died in the main AU… But in the 2nd AU video, we see that the bridge is blown up, implying that the 5th video happened in BOTH timelines, and i'm not confused over the WHERE (that still makes sense), but the HOW, as in how is Mini yellow a crewpostor if pink and purple are still alive? 😤

    Edit: Btw given what i've said, this means that ep 2 of the AU was the same amount of time as ep 2-5 of the main line, which… 🥴
    Doesn't add up (,:

  4. BlockmanGO

  5. At the end, i question myself that " IS MINI YELLOW NOW GOING TO BE AN IMPOSTER!?" and the end is sad 🙁 I also cried

    Edit:Edit deleted cuz of confused realization.
    Edit: (idk what to say rn)

  6. My childhood is now ruined

  7. That son-of-a anyone could have died I said yellow yellow what's the best he was the main character

  8. 5. 🙏🙏🙏🙏. 😭😭😭😭

  9. Cuando haras la 5 parte de stranger me estoy desesperando🤨

  10. Finally a actual good among us animations

    No offense to the other artists

  11. İ Think Mini Yellow Join Pink And Purple Team For Revenge İn Alternative [Because Mini Yellow İs Pink And Purple's Enemy İn Other Animation] (Red And Olive's Revenge)

  12. Quando vai lançar o novo capítulo?tô muito ansiosa e tb me impactou com a emoção q eu tive

  13. red is crewmate but he become imposter your video is so good

  14. I ANGRI 😠😠😠😠😠😡😡😡😡😠😠😡😡😡😠😠😡😠😠😡😠😠😡😠😠😡😡😠😡😡😠😠😡😡😠😡😡😠😡😡😠😠😡😠😡😡😠😡😡😠😠😡😠😠😡😡😡😠😡😠😠😡😡😠😡😡😡😠😠😡😡😡😡😠😠😡😡😠😡😡😠😡😡😡😠😡

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