AMONG US - An Alien Story -

AMONG US – An Alien Story

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The impostor is among them…

Enjoy this little 3D animated short video I made inspired by the famous game “Among Us”!

Modeling the Space Cargo – Timelapse:

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  1. Saang springs bong soon i saw him kiss alive he died

  2. why you guys have so little views puzzles me, looks great and is funny every time :;)

  3. Again great stuff! enjoyed watching it – and watched it twice!

  4. Oh wow amazing! The greatest animation of teamwork and betrayal with aliens! And it also represents how hard swiping the card is..=D .So is this the martians of the beautiful Tripods?

  5. nice animation like always! I can also see that you used the same alien from 2040

  6. This is Alien Us not Among Us! 😂😂😂

  7. Did y’all notice orange died and when pink reports orange body orange is alive and then he died again when blue killed him

  8. Por que o laranja Estava morto mas daqui a pouco ele está vivo🤔🤔🤔

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