A Imposter's Love Story | (Among US Comic Dub) - amongus.gallery

A Imposter’s Love Story | (Among US Comic Dub)

Cougar macdowall Va
Views: 5683594
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Black and Red might just have feelings for each other, only problem is Red is the Imposter…

Thanks to Angy for letting me dub their amazing comics for this video they are amazing, go follow them here!

Yeah just like fall guys Among Us has taken over my life when it comes to free time so expect some more comics of it! Also I am working on an Among Us animated series, so stay tuned for that it will be about 10 episodes long as of now, so be sure to keep and eye out for it! Also I will have more Godzilla Videos coming out soon, and working on animated SCP Foundation videos so keep an eye out for that later this week!

Also the brand new Godzilla Puppet show is almost in full production, so now that will be out very soon! Also I am going to do Gone Wrong part 5 super soon, and Disarmed Au very very soon!

Background Music:
Hidden Agenda by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (…)
Source: -…

#amongus #comicdub #comic

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  1. This happens to me when i see a red player…

  2. Жаль что на английском (((

  3. Ain't it a bit weird how a game of murder and betrayal became nothing more than a dating platform??

  4. Why the hell are we shipping jelly beans now? Last year it was stickmen, humanity is going downhill.

  5. I love this lovestory!😍 Make this lovestory continue😭 plssssss!😭😭😭 I'm a big FAN of this story😍😭

  6. I love this lovestory!😍 Make this lovestory continue😭 plssssss!😭😭😭 I'm a big FAN of this story😍😭

  7. There gay i am 100% sure there gay trust me @cougar macdowall va

  8. Aw, Red And Black Are Just Like My Friends They Both Are Couple 'v'
    I Was Wondering Them To Watch This But They're Offline- Meh Maybe Next Time
    Also- Here's They're Name uwu: Charlie And Blacky :>

    #Single :,D


    Purple: "Lime's dead, and I know who did it."
    Red: (nervous sweating) "Uh… who?"
    Purple: "It was Black."
    Red's mind: "Phew, that was a close one. Hold up."
    Yellow: (in deep Corpse voice) "Why do you think it's him?"
    Purple: "Recall in our last meeting that Lime testified that she had witnessed Black running away from where Orange was found."
    Black: "Are you kidding me? You said it wasn't enough to eject me last time."
    Red: "Yeah, Purple. In fact, how do we know YOU didn't kill her?"
    Purple: "I was blasting asteroids at weapons before the lights went off. Yellow was there with me."
    Yellow: "He's right, I saw the guns firing."
    Purple: "After our last meeting ended, I saw Lime following Black down on his way to storage. Since I had witnessed her finishing all her tasks in that part of the ship before Orange was found dead, she was following him to gather evidence."
    Red: "Or hurt him."
    Purple: "Hmm… why would Lime hurt black?"
    Red: "She was trying to poison his mind, just like she's poisoning all of yours now. Black was in the reactor room the whole time."
    Yellow: "The WHOLE time, you say?"
    Purple's mind: "Now how would Red know that if it was too dark to see anything? If Black was an imposter, he could have easily slipped out of the reactor room, killed Lime, and returned before I found her body."
    Black: "Duh, that stupid starter code is impossible to remember. After I was finished, I found out the lights were sabotaged. I didn't want to wander right into an imposter's jaws, so I just continued with the manifolds."
    Red: "What he said, and I saw him. Not once did my precious Black head to electrical."
    Purple: "HOLD IT!"
    Black: "What?"
    Purple: "I never said I found Lime in electrical."
    Red: "Uh… lucky guess. If I was an imposter, I would kill someone in electrical while they went to fix the lights."
    Yellow: "Now that I think about it, Black, was Red in the reactor room with you?"
    Black: "He was at first, but I couldn't see anything when the lights went out."
    Red: "Black, I was there with you. Can't you see that I'm trying to protect you?"
    Purple: "If you really are a crewmate, Red, how could you see Black in the reactor room when HE couldn't see YOU? If you were a crewmate and you saw Black, you had to get in range for him to see you – but he didn't."
    Red's mind: "DAMMIT, HE GOT ME!"

  10. Segunda parte me gusta el chip de red x blak plis segunda parte 😘😘😘😘😘😘😀

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