🥕🔪 Drawing my AMONG US character | Speedpaint
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:^) I am bastard Carrot, yes I am! I really enjoyed this one, it was a lot of fun!!
Anyway Red kinda sus.
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Ready for Repeat – Rolla Coasta
Rescue Mission – Lupus Nocte
On the March – Brendon Moeller
Crossing That Bridge – Brendon Moeller
I usually play orange (cos it matches my hair) with the engineer outfit and lil goggles on my head, and I've honestly been debating drawing my character for a week now. You've given my ADHD brain the final push it needed to hyperfocus on art for a solid 5 hours, thank you, goodbye, gonna go find some music to chill to while I draw.
Black with egg on head is drip
can i just say the way you shade is so pretty im just sitting here at the edge of my seat watching you color…
[also i main cyan, purple, or red with the lil plague mask you get for halloween + the fancy suit :)]
im playing in white but im not sus, im the first one to die cause i run off solo to do tasks.
I main blue! (mainly cause it close to my fave color Indigo) or if blue isnt available my next choice is black plus i have a lil antenna so im just a lil robot bleep bloop friend 😀 but im still relatively new to the game but what i can tell you is im fast at doin my tasks! (im a horrible imposter u_u)
The thumbnail is me when I look at somebody when I was with them the whole time and the imposer was not with us
Hehe carrot
This is so cool tho!! Im prob gonna draw my sona soon too its so fun!!
I main cyan and my name is Baja Blast and when i die i go into the ghost chat and say I got Baja Blasted
I loved how you draw your character! but idk, you look kinDa SuS
I'm yellow and I really always dying first 😂😂😂😂
My lil dude is also a carrot ! His name is Nugget.
Despite being more into fantasy you did an amazing job!
My color is blue and I try to be careful with my kills and I only vent if I see no other way out of a room. Also I’m naturally quiet so I’m gonna listen unless someone said something I don’t think is right.
i main dark green ! 🙂
I almost always use orange, with the googles, but I don't like to be an impostor very much, cuz I'm really dump and I got catched easy (and my friends get mad when they get killed, so I'm also afraid of comite murder lol).
I also play orange but with the party hat! When I first played I used to change between dark blue with the egg and then black with the ram horns but also I realised there was a fedora and I had a big brain moment when I realised I could be perry the platypus so that was also something I did at the start. (Might go back and change my among us character's name to Agent P and just be perry again but i really like orange hmm)
I main Cyan and I am v sus. 😔
I currently play yellow 💛. My sona is a bit of a dumby, she janitor that wasn't meant to be a crewmate but WHOOPS she got dragged along on the ship anyways. Im a big dumby when playing and play dumb a lot so it only seems fair, my boyfriend wrecks me with imposter though cause he's a mastermind at mind games.
It is as incredible as you draw, I saw your fusion videos before as your animated videos and I knew that I had to subscribe to your channel, you are fabulous. 👌🏽
i pick white, and i always die first ;–; and i never get to play imposter
Carrot gang gang!!
Orange gang 👀
I main either black or brown. Black for tactical purpose, brown because I wear the ears and want to look like a bear.
Your tactics are not to accuse anyone off the bat, but you call out red for being sus? It's chill because you explained you originally played red soooooo…. sUS xD
Tthis artwork is awesome though! I don't play the game nor really watch people who do, but I've been force fed enough of it over the internet to appreciate how cool this kind of fanart is. I'm almost inspired to make my own 'sona, though that's not really viable if I don't play the game, is it :/
hey i'll let you know that im yellow and i dont die on the first round anymore!!!!
I like to main black but Im a pretty bad impostor.
Murder go brrrrrr~
Ayo orange kinda sus.
I do cyan cause i have an egg and i like the complementary colors with the orange yolk. If not cyan then orange or white
My main is red….I love them…so much