🥕🔪 Drawing my AMONG US character | Speedpaint
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:^) I am bastard Carrot, yes I am! I really enjoyed this one, it was a lot of fun!!
Anyway Red kinda sus.
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Ready for Repeat – Rolla Coasta
Rescue Mission – Lupus Nocte
On the March – Brendon Moeller
Crossing That Bridge – Brendon Moeller
There is this app called "BlueStacks" that you can download on PC. Essentially it allows you to download the game on PC for free because it makes the app think you are using a mobile device.
i main orange bruh with the cowboy hat 🤠😜🔥🔥
Among us
little pro tip a friend gave us when we first started playing with the card, swipe it till the end and hold it just a few seconds, release and it's done!
I'm main yellow since the beginning, I can confirm I always get killed first round or get ejected when I'm crewmate.
Don't pick yellow my dudes.
Mines black with a little plant on his head
I usually main white or black bc my name tends to be ghost-related :')) usually with the "dum" sticky note and a mini me by my side. I'm not a very good impostor because I don't like killing the others and usually panic while trying to vent HAHA I just wanna run around doing my silly little tasks
I once managed to convince half my crew that I wasnt imposter twice in a game – even tho two different people walked in on my murder
(Out of me, my brother, and my cousins – all six of us – im the best imposter.)
My chosen color is Cyan and people always sus o me. Lol
I'm purple with toliet paper on my head
I’m always white though because I like dressing up as a lil medic 🙂
But also I’ve been drawing among us and TF2 crossovers because I love both games 😔👊
These vibes are IMMACULATE
I just created my own Among Us OC, and since I usually play Lime with the leaf hat, I made my character, Lianna or "Lime", a botanist, so she studies space plants.
This boosts my inspiration to draw my Among Us character lol. I usually main white with a cherry on top!
im usually dark green w/ the wide-brim dark green hat, or dark blue w/ a baby blue snapback 😀
swipe the card is too ez
i main yellow with a banana peel on his head. i sorta imagine him as being slightly dumb and kinda awkward but accidentally helps sometimes
i main lime green w/ lab coat and a flower baha
I haven't even played the game yet, but I'm obsessed! Love the idea of people drawing their sona/character and might do it myself som time.
I've thought of maining yellow, since it's my favorite color, but I'll probably main orange to mach the color of my logo/mascot.
I'm a black main, I use the lights a lot as an imposter as well as vents. I rarely use deadly sabotages unless I want to separate people.
I always play with yellow, single parent with 2 kids and a coat lab, i wasnt expecting to get sucked in this thing tbh
Im seeing everyone drawing there among us ocs and now i wanna draw minee 😅💖💖
Yellow gang rise up, also always immediately sus except for when I get imposter. It's a great system.
omg I saw this on Twitter! It's my favourite sona i've seen so far
I main dark green with the dum sticky note on my head
i main orange with the paper hat! i usually am not sus at all (at least among friends… randos? idk wtf is up with randos they just vote for whoever is accused first) and part of that is just bc i never get imposter LOL. when i AM imposter i usually win by just doing walk by kills and then no one finds the body until waay later. i've self reported a lot just bc i left a body to rot and then stumbled back on it again and have been like "wait no self reporting is bad but its way more sus if i just walk away." i also just very rarely use vents. you cant be caught venting if you never do it.
my main is white with the plant. his nickname is daikon bc he looks like the radish🌱 he’s a little stupid but he makes friends easily:) also i die first a lot LOL but the imposter always apologizes to me afterwards so we’re all good☺️ i drew him on my channel if anyone wants to see!
I leave to if I can't be orange im orange raptor lol
My name is raptor because I'm good at killing the people fast and smart and raptors are smart and fast and good at killing
I am black but with a cherry hat-
among us below:
run run run run run
I main White when I wanna be serious n analytical in the game (I see them as a Medic), While I main green (A biologist) for when I just wanna go "hee hoo problematic monkey time :- D"
I like green😊lol I haven't been imposter once even though I've had the game for months
Me:Watched one among us vid
Youtube:hmm okay I have just the thing for you
Me:. Reloads page
Youtube:Okay (Whole recommend list is among us)
Me: Well great
Me also:Welp only thing I can find
My main is being Pink with the leaf accessory 🌱
my main is cyan with ram horns >:D
I'm a red main, and its ROUGH bro. Deadarse I was a crewmate and we just started the game like five seconds ago and someone called an emergency meeting and said it was me, and I actually got voted off.
Red rights bro. We may be the sketchiest fuckers but we have feelings too. 🙏
Very nice! I like the crispness of your linework. It is interesting to see your digital process in action.
I main black or cyan with the beanie. I’ve gotten attached to this character and am creating a story for them because I can. I imagine them to be a more quiet crewmate but are very kind when you talk to them. They have stickers all over their helmet and hang out mainly in electrical. As an imposter they sabotage more than kill, they might feel sympathetic to their victims and not want to kill their friends.
My main is usually yellow with an egg hat, I always have the name set to 'Eggz'. If I can't get yellow I either go with, black, white, or brown.
And your right I'm ALWAYS first to die lmao
I main fruit, primarily 🍋, yellow with the stem.
🧡 Orange 🧡
Or black if orange is taken 😤
I'm usually yellow with a straw hat and yes, I always die first because I love speedrunning the tasks.
Main yellow with leafs
me, a white player: (sweating profusely)
i love your sona sm!! the colors are so good, the vibes immaculate… chefs kiss
I’m yellow.
You’re dead on the first round.
Oh… okay then.
This is so cool! I've actually been thinking about drawing my character, too. I main lime with the sprout! 🙂
I saw someone call the space characters:
space skittles.
And I REFUSE to call them anything else.
I use orange too🧡
I wanna draw Among Us fan art, but not only am I going through art block, but also don’t play among us very much… BUT! Your vid inspired me so hopefully I can get out of this art block!
I usually play orange with a cherry on my head and I use the name Dio. If I can't get orange I go for like white or pink or yellow…
I main Lime :>