🥕🔪 Drawing my AMONG US character | Speedpaint
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:^) I am bastard Carrot, yes I am! I really enjoyed this one, it was a lot of fun!!
Anyway Red kinda sus.
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Ready for Repeat – Rolla Coasta
Rescue Mission – Lupus Nocte
On the March – Brendon Moeller
Crossing That Bridge – Brendon Moeller
I like playing as Red for some reason
I main as blue or red I usually have the goggles on with blue lol and apparently I’m sus all the time
I either play as yellow with flowers and a lab coat, or blue with goggles and a suit. And we absolutely stan Dr. Keradin.
my main is white, and if it's occupied i use black. if both are taken i'll use any color. but i ALWAYS have the small egg hat.
Damn that art is incredible! Aswell, your voice over makes the video very peaceful and calming to watch its amazing.
I main as yellow with the black fedora, usually like to play crewmate cuz i like the mystery side of the game. Personally prefer to go detective mode on everyone and try keep track of where everyone is to help out the chat. Not the best at impostering, not rly that I get voted out but because I'm a slow killer.
Well done :-)❤I made a monster out of this cute character
Oh noooo! So many people have carrot characters! And here I was thinking I was original… drat!!!
My main is teal with a flower or with a flamingo, sometimes a wet floor sign!
I main “moms or dads of 2” I am one of them
Or just “anonymous” that’s also me
My user is fat planet
My color is y e l l o
And I has ram Horn and wall-e
I main communistic red! Donned with my soviet cap and black suit, I'm ready to take over the world! …Or should I say we are ready to take over the world?
im not Human im aminal
I like to call myself Apple and look like a red apple haha
when ı accuse someone In-game even tho I don't have a proof that person always be imposter maybe Its luck or when I play the game I can feel who ıs sus and imp xd
I main cyan with a backwards cap on their head! they are an absolute idiot, but they are still trying their best. 🙂
i play purple!! i have a berry on my head and mini crewmate follows me 🙂 if purple is taken i also main white so oops?
I main yellow with sprout. I like to imagine them as a lemon. I go by 8ean and often die as a crewmate very easily.
what program do you use? looks awesome btw!
once people in a game wanted my color and I was like no i main in white assbutt >:( and so i got banned
(also im not sus i was in medbay i swear)
I main Green, with the little leaf on the head or sometimes the mini Astronaut thingy… and definetly the little pet (kid) thing. My Sona is a little Imposter boy. But very Tsundere, kinda shy. He cute.
My main name is "Greeen" or "U Fool I"
When i cant get the dark green color i tend to choose white or red. sometimes even black.
Now i really want to do it but I'm not a digital artist, I'm a traditional drawer
My go-to among us color is black with the egg hat, but when someone else takes black I pick blue/purple instead. Somehow every time I'm the impostor I get caught immediately even if I'm not doing anything sus lol
I usually play with the White color, i wear red headphones and a red coat :3
Woah your drawing skills and the uniform is so amazing! My sister was always wondering and wanting to find among us human costume like fanart and I will show this to her now! this is amazing!
BTW My color is Black and what can you tell about black? Is this color sus? 'cause people are blaming me for no reason when I am not an Imposter ;-;
My main is pink! I am always very sus bc I don't talk alot lol,, Plus I only play on Polus bc thats the 1 map im good at being imposter lmao
I played with my brother and he kept saying it was me so thats fun 🤣
How do you put your voice over the speedpaint? :0
But i use white ;n;
Lol i use the white suit with the egg hat and the labcoat, ive decided that my sona just wants dinosaurs to be real again
I always play as purple with the goggles.
"The other ones I can do with my eyes closed"
Me: oh Yeah? slides Simon's says towards you
I play black! I got the plague doctor mask and the suit, going completely dark… but I'm not usually sus (or better yet not usually impostor) When I do get impostor I panic and I worry about getting caught too much so I usually end up not killing a lot of people lol, but if I really try, I can weasel a win out.
I main yellow with an egg with the dark security suit, i have a son and my name is egg
My among us song also has a dog and a flower with the egg, my son has a leaf on their head.
Alt color: Yellow or cyan.
Name: Egg
Son: lemon spice.
Ironically my favourite outfit is just orange with the sprout on top cause my player name is orange boi
crys as I colour in my yellow space suite for my oc
I main an Orange Named Mr. Carrot and he has A Son named CJ (Carrot Jr.) Who he is very of proud of and will protect with his life!! I always thought of him as a Botanist kind of scientist
hello! i main purple. i liked the art, very good. have a good day.
I main white with a fedora B)
As imposter, I use everyone’s words against them and watch as they all accuse eachother except for me-
That and I use my own stupidity as a tactic B)
And then I kill someone infront of everyone-
I play purple with the goggles on top. And I'm an amazing impostor lmao but everyone suspects me when I'm crewmate
Absolutely beautiful. 20/10.
I main purple or brown with a leaf on my head. People always kill me first as brown, but they sus me as purple, so I guess I can't win.
I main either dark green or yellow (if those are taken white and cyan also work). Usually i use the beanie hat but with the halloween pack im using the werewolf ears for the month
It’s always cyan
I usually main purple with the detective hat on! Though with the Halloween hats being out I've been wearing the werewolf ears instead
Ngl ive been wanting to make among us characters lol. Im trying to design a yellow cremate that specializes in electric engineering, and the two impostors are red/cyan
I main pink with a flower
I play purple and have the two mini crewmates
I might draw purple as a mother of two just because of that
Oi it's me
I’m brown with a plant. His name is Toad and he’s a himbo
I main blue with horns. and i like to kill everyone to win so i asked my friend to team with me little did she know i was imposter and killed her once we were out of sight 🙂