Yume Among Us Mystery Capsules Series 1 We Found An Imposter! #shorts #amongus #yumetoys - amongus.gallery

Yume Among Us Mystery Capsules Series 1 We Found An Imposter! #shorts #amongus #yumetoys

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Yume Among Us Mystery Capsules

Thank you so much @yume_toys for sending us these to showcase and enjoy! #freeproduct

In series 1 there’s 13 characters to collect. Collect them all to be able to customize over 130 combinations.

Can you expose the imposter? I think we’re off to a pretty good start 😉💜

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Thank you so much for watching! ✨

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  1. Omg i have one too! Its a crewmate.

  2. That’s so cool, where did you get that from? ^^ and nice video

  3. I opened 4 today ( i was supposed to get two but Amazon was being nice to me ) and my brother got two crewmates and I got two impostors

  4. The crewmate kill the impostor

  5. I got impostor and I dident know how to put the tounge and this helped me a lot ty man

  6. Woah your figure is large mine is small😅 though but I am watching on the vent😮

  7. I got that and it was a imposter😊 its purple and btw nice vid

  8. I have that but it's just a version of series 2 i have the imposter gray

  9. …╭──────╮
    ╰┆….┆ ─┌….┆
    Hehe. I'm the imposter👿

  10. I got the secret glow in the dark one

  11. On my first try I guess I'm really lucky

  12. Hxhdhdhbvdoeuf😢bxhdh Tenho nenhum vermelho disso não eu sou muito chata

  13. I’ve got a joke what do you call a red When he is cyan, you say he’s chill, he’s not impostor😂

  14. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂jajajaja

  15. Where you find that ( i whant that….)

  16. Amog us amogus amogus amogus amogus amogus amogus amogus amogus amogus amogus amogus amogus amogus amogus amogus amogus amogus amogus amogus amogus amogus amogus amogus amogus amogus amogus amogus amogus

  17. ❤👏🥰😊😍😇😊😮

  18. [၀ြ <— Among us
    ' '

  19. I SWEAR the Impostors are more Common

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