What if AMONG US Crewmates Were SUPERHEROES?! (Story & Speedpaint) - amongus.gallery

What if AMONG US Crewmates Were SUPERHEROES?! (Story & Speedpaint)

PopCross Studios
Views: 189083
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Against many odds Among Us has continued to be one of the most popular games of 2020 and one of the most requested topics for a video on PopCross Studios. So here it is! Partially inspired by LavenderTowne’s videos, linked here:

In this video, I’m writing an Among Us kind of story but with a team of Superheroes trying to get home after rescuing one of their own from a planet of shape-shifting aliens. one or more of them has been replaced with an imposter and the team has to figure out who is friend and who is foe!

In this video, I draw Purple, Black, Green and Red superheroes based on Among us colors and hats and hopefully tell a story that has some fun turns in it!

For these heroes I was taking some inspiration from Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel, Gamora, Poison Ivy and a bit of Venom from Spider-man. Sooo mostly Marvel stuff, but I was referencing lots of superhero costumes! Oh yeah, I also took a bunch of inspiration from Power Rangers!

Anyway, hope y’all enjoy; What if AMONG US Characters Were SUPERHEROES?! (Story & Speedpaint)

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  1. Dis is the only vid my sis will watch

  2. Kind of eerie when watched at night

  3. Black Magic’s how much kind of reminded me of Kylo Ren

  4. Make a part 2 with a new recriuit named red it would be red with the beanie as his hat

  5. Loved this episode. If you revisit this idea you should do brown with the bear ears. Maybe do something with the crewmate hat and mini crewmare pet.

  6. Bro ur literally just nick eh 30 bro

  7. The story was super cool a lot of action but black magic died! 😢😭

  8. When you dislike this video you are an Imposter!"There is 52 imposters amongst us!"

  9. draw marvel heroes as dragon tamer with there indivigvel dragons

  10. Oh my god! The story is soooooooo good!

  11. I would love more among us content

  12. Overwatch heroes as DND but do the rest of Talon.

  13. I know you said this was a 1 part video but can you please make as sequel to the story it was cool an intressting

  14. Before anything these are some good designs but when you go into Roblox and then there's more people to swearing than swearing at least for me I only met like a few people that just swear and one of them got past the swear filter I'm not joking he sweared at me me I'm not joking

  15. you can draw pictures of among us

  16. Sorry I’ve asked before but can I post my monthly drawings on Instagram and tag u in it

  17. Honestly I would read this if it was a comic

  18. Plz make a series about this story

  19. Can you please make a part 2 you can use Pink Plasma, Brown Bastion, White Wind and Teal Tyrant

  20. So is the real Red and Teal dead or still stranded on the alien planet?

  21. I HATE that green and t Rex geometry the other video are…BLACK

  22. "are there more of them among us? *laughs*" LEGEND

  23. Can you please make another among us crewmates as superheroes video

  24. Wow!! Your story gave me goosebumps 😅👌👌❤️❤️🔥🔥

  25. You should do indie game characters as superheros
    Or better yet superheros as sorcerers

  26. Who in every story and speed paint I’ve seen am I (red) the imposter I’m not.

  27. dude you should make among us characters into dnd


    Brown: Wolf ears
    Orange: Pumpkin
    Yellow: Cat hat

    Like if u agree

  29. Can we get a part 2 to this video, like a prequel so we can see Teal Tyrant, White Wind, etc.?

  30. When the imposter is well drawn😳

  31. Alongside some cool designs, I love how you telling an overarching narrative that was basically "The Thing" with superheroes.

  32. I have an idea for another episode: AMONG US characters as POWER RANGERS.

  33. Black magic looks so slick he looks so cool

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