What if AMONG US Crewmates Were SUPERHEROES?! (Story & Speedpaint) - amongus.gallery

What if AMONG US Crewmates Were SUPERHEROES?! (Story & Speedpaint)

PopCross Studios
Views: 189083
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Against many odds Among Us has continued to be one of the most popular games of 2020 and one of the most requested topics for a video on PopCross Studios. So here it is! Partially inspired by LavenderTowne’s videos, linked here:

In this video, I’m writing an Among Us kind of story but with a team of Superheroes trying to get home after rescuing one of their own from a planet of shape-shifting aliens. one or more of them has been replaced with an imposter and the team has to figure out who is friend and who is foe!

In this video, I draw Purple, Black, Green and Red superheroes based on Among us colors and hats and hopefully tell a story that has some fun turns in it!

For these heroes I was taking some inspiration from Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel, Gamora, Poison Ivy and a bit of Venom from Spider-man. Sooo mostly Marvel stuff, but I was referencing lots of superhero costumes! Oh yeah, I also took a bunch of inspiration from Power Rangers!

Anyway, hope y’all enjoy; What if AMONG US Characters Were SUPERHEROES?! (Story & Speedpaint)

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  1. YES!!!!!! Violet is my colour in Among Us! Loved being the main haha please make these for all of the colours. My friends and I LOVE this and your other videos

  2. If you thought you were late to the party, I thought any title like "__ plays Among Us" meant Youtubers were playing with subscribers in secret.


  3. can you draw more among us characters as superheros again please

  4. Make clash of clans characters as super heroes

  5. Why is red always imposter😢😭😭

  6. There is at least 1 Imposter Among Us.

  7. Remember the story you told on My Hero Academy as Fish, well it inspired me…


  8. I like these character so much ill write a book about them

  9. I like how Red betraying Teal was implemented, very accurate to the game where often times imposters betray each other to make themselves seem more innocent, or if they want to do all the killings themselves!

  10. Plz do more of these among us super heros

  11. These design would make a fire tv show 👍

  12. My caricature is brown with a suit and tie, a banana hat, and a baby crew mate

  13. What is team sus had to deal with the candy elemenal after the ship went on the fritz and crashed in ooo from adventure time

  14. These were cool designs and an awesome story! Keep it up! Also, please consider my cartoon character suicide squad request!

  15. I want a genuine audio series on this. Its awesome.

  16. I want a genuine audio series on this. Its awesome.

  17. do one of the hatchling from outer wilds

  18. do one of the hatchling from outer wilds

  19. Yo should really make a part 2 to this

  20. Yo should really make a part 2 to this

  21. Do Bakugan as anything please

  22. Do Bakugan as anything please

  23. This episode concept is like a trendy version of
    “What if MIIS where superheros (story and speed paint)”

  24. This episode concept is like a trendy version of
    “What if MIIS where superheros (story and speed paint)”

  25. I want to see a animation of this

  26. I want to see a animation of this

  27. i, it's almost 2022 and i never did anything amongus like i wanted to and know it's wayyyyyyy to late……lol

  28. i, it's almost 2022 and i never did anything amongus like i wanted to and know it's wayyyyyyy to late……lol

  29. "I think there's a villian among us…"

  30. "I think there's a villian among us…"

  31. This story is good I love your art btw

  32. This story is good I love your art btw

  33. The fact that artists have been able to make such amazing designs inspired by the simple character looks of the Among Us characters is just amazing

  34. The fact that artists have been able to make such amazing designs inspired by the simple character looks of the Among Us characters is just amazing

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