![Nick Nitro – “The Imposter” (Among Us Fan Track) [Official Audio]](https://amongus.gallery/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/yh2cvkpuojmmaxresdefault-1024x576.jpg)
Nick Nitro – “The Imposter” (Among Us Fan Track) [Official Audio]
Nick Nitro
Views: 296572
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Join my channel to get access to the member only discord server! The Art was drawn by my fiancé Rose! go give her some love on her newest upload:
The doom ost was a big inspiration on this one, I’ve never done dubstep to this extent before. plus mixing it with metal & a catchy dance beat was quite the interesting experiment. enjoy!
The doom ost was a big inspiration on this one, I’ve never done dubstep to this extent before. plus mixing it with metal & a catchy dance beat was quite the interesting experiment. enjoy!
Support Nick Nitro’s Patreon!:
Soundcloud Version:
#NickNitro #AmongUs #TheImposter
god i love this
i loop this everyday lol
keep up the amazing work nick
(great art rose :D)
My sister when she see's ICE CREAM:
Impostor boss fight maybe?
Knife: exists
Everyone: C H A R A
bruh moment
Purple sus
Orange sus
Yellow sus
Green sus
Who we voting?
(Everyone has voted)
Orange was not the imposter 1 imposter remains
It amazes me how fast these are made!How do you not run out of ideas?
0:12 Impostor has been exposed
Late ;-;
Got some metal goin xd
Sorry but she looks alot like yuri from doki doki
xdxd not speak english solo hablo español xdxd
Everyone are imposters till red being sus
imagine if this music played while we fight zombies in the new zombies mode?
Huh, what? Oh, that's just Purple right there doing her tasks. Yep, she's definitely innocent. But Pink though, she's been acting a bit sus.
Purple is imposter, she venting!
Spotify? 😥
this song simulates the brutal part of the impostor, critical sabotages and the kill streak but there is a more calm and collected impostor, fooling everyone and faking tasks, so yeah wanna hear the other song
Next up: Megalo-postor Striker
Can you pls put this in Apple Music, this is incredible
ah yes, person with a knife in the picture that's not undertale. excellent
I legit thought that was the true knife in her hand.
Doom 🤝 Among Us
brutally murdering people
No one:
The comments: U lIeD wHeReS MiRa Hq
I'm just gonna say she looks like a yandere
Impostors: Me:(lime) my partner orange. Orange kills and vents in front of cyan gets voted out ( i was the only one who skipped) annonymous voting saved me)
Me after this: this video:)
Among Us 2 The End Of The Cycle
Multiplayer: a normal among us gameplay with new maps and gameplay
Story mode: the war between crewmates and imposters
HOLY CRAP THIS IS GOOD! I can't believe i haven't heard of this yet. Good job man!
When the imposter turns out to be a cute yandere loli in disguise
People need to get this straight, not everything is UT related. I saw some comments that were like “ooh rose really looks like Chara, neat!!” Bro. Just because she got a knife and red eyes mean nothing lol. Plus I know Nick does UT things every now and then but stop asking for things already, it’s been 5 years, people move on.
Holy sh- I was expecting like pop or electro then I get slapped with rock whuuuuuut this is epic!
In the game my name is imposter
She not chara nick
I sus haha
Nick how do you make such good music
tho i saw your hair and noticeed ittt
Among Us nerds when they see diss: iT's ImPoStOr NoT iMpOsTeR!1!1!!1!1!!!1!
Pov: When you said its purple but everyone skipped and purple kiled you
Someone link me a 1 hour version of this, I love it!
Purple boutta pull out the infinity gauntlet on someone😳
When i be imposter i play this music.
idk purple seems sus…
you spell wrong impostor
This video is why I subscribed to nick
ITS rose as Chara
Sorry i honestly don't know rose so
Purple kinda sus
i like a metal track
the back round of it looks like snow din the trees the snow.