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Among Us Animation Mini Crewmate Origin is my new animation, thank you for watching the video.
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Don’t forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE ❤️❤️ #AmongUs #AmongUsAnimation #gumymation
▶[email protected]
▶This is a fan art video made by Gumymation
—————————————————————💀AMONG US 💀——————————————————————–
Among Us is an online sci-fi mystery and murder game, which contains a group of crew members where there is, among them, an imposter who wants to sabotage the ship and kill everyone, where they must do the tasks and find out who the impostor is.
Hey look MemeGod is the doctor.
Yellow not serious she kill his love blue lol
Bady in stomach
Red is the impostor or father also i don't known
Upload tutorial plzz And which app u use😍
This is a normal id card nothing weird
El numero satánico en el Nombre de Cristo
gummymation i love among us stories
i love among us
OMG 666 YELLOW IMPOSTOR ahhhhhhhhh
the baby is cute awwwww
Me alegro mucho por ti
You know that those round blue squares are visors.
Bebe. Niña. No. Es. fea
2 impostdr red green
I love on how she doesn’t care she cheated on him because she’s to busy loving the baby gg red
I feel so bad for blue, he killed someone to save yellows life, and then yellow just left him
Yellow not serious his lover dead and she was playing with his child
Nice animation bro
666 is demond
Blue : why the hell is my kid purple
Red : oh I was yellows wife
Parte 2
Red and blue make purple
0:11 see this
I hate this
Oh no
Omg why
Wat not red and yellow its orange not purple what are you doing full?
What if I know my name in bmgo names yellow
What if I know my name in bmgo is yellow
Omg i wish that happend with my crush who loves me to
Purple baby?
💝xbdndhd jsgx Jui tapi kalo mau liat aja di rumah p sma dian n muntah darah rendah hati dan pikiran kita karena orang nggak penting bisa dibaca sama aja kaya orang bego banget ya
Did you see 666 number go delete him in card now
Fire DVicoc
Blue: Is hate you red
Blue: im come back 1 minute and is all voted red is not father
Crewmates dont have mouths exept for the impostor
It’s funny on how yellow doesn’t even
Care she cheated on blue with red
So really killed himself so it’s only fair red
Kills yellow and purple
Wtf she was chitin on him
Girl of the demon 0:11
I LIKE when the dad fanted😂🤣😂😂😂😂😂