I spent a day with CORPSE HUSBAND
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🧨HUGE thank you to CORPSE:
▸ Creator, Director, Writer, etc. – Anthony Padilla
▸ Executive Producer – Alessandra Catanese
▸ Production Coordinator, Co-writer & Research – Elise Felber
▸ Director of Photography/Gaffer – Zach Zeidman
▸ Editor – Mike Criscimagna ()
▸ Assistant Editor – Patrick Horba
▸ Post PA / Assistant Editor – Ash Duckworth
🎵Theme Music Composer – Matt Good AKA The King of Emo
🖼Portrait painted by: Rhianna Robles –
▸ If you are part of an underrepresented subculture or live a lifestyle you feel is not widely understood and would like to be interviewed by me, email inquiry[at]pressalike.com with your subculture in the title of the email.
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💉Self plug
God, he’s amazing. I love him so much.
Idk if its just me but the more i watch Antony"s videos i am more inspired and more empathetic toward these creators and other people and in a way i hate myself as well because of how insecure i am and its nice to see that I'm not the only one even among big content creators like Corpse so thank you to Corpse and Anthony
Hail bingus
Corpse seems like such a good, humble, genuine person.
Love your stuff, CORPSE. Whether you reveal your face or not, I respect you immensely. Thank you.
Please shut up.
I don't understand why people would like someone for their personality and then when they find out what they look like, completely turn on them just because they thought they looked different. It just doesn't add up
Growing up is like sh!T nobody tells you it’s gonna happen, it just does. And nobody’s like “HEY! U ARE GOING TO HAVE DEPRESSION AND DIAGNOSES THAT NOBODY KNOWS ABOUT, AND SOMETIMES PEOPLE ARE GONNA BE MEAN” and that’s such a hard th8ng to deal with :’)
I really wish people could just stop shitting on everyone else. Me as a depressed person with anxiety I absolutely hate my face and I understand why he's so scared. I hide myself behind a face mask too. My family starts to shit on me just because I dont show my face and I don't care if people are looking at me in a weird way, at least they don't see what is under the mask. I really hope he will be comfortable enough to just be himself with no fear of being recognized
20:49 hearing this just really fucking hurts to think about
funny thing is, his voices doesn't even sounds that deep to me bc my brain has leveled it out
My voice got deeper through the years cause of stomach fluid coming up all the time due to stress combined with puberty idk. I don't know if it's gerd, I haven't been to the doctors about it. But I also have severe migraines since I was five, something that makes me vomit a lot. Like a lot. A very bad migraine would lead to 7-10 vomits per night. I'm 23 now my voice is noticeably deep and has a lot of bass to it something that people sometimes say it's cool but mostly I've been made fun of it. From people imitating me, making fun of it, saying I'm forcing it to get attention. If only they know the problems it gives. It is so difficult to speak some days due to pain. My insides are burning a lot of times. I can't speak in a high tone cause it starts to feel like my throat will tear apart. Shouting is out the question bro I'll literally bleed. That led to a habit of speaking quietly also something that people think it's weird. You can't escape it no matter what people will always point it out. Just hear to what I have to say. I'm very closed to myself as a person and the extra fingers on me is the last I need.
I hope everything turns out for him he seems like a good person
nah i he don't look like that tff looks like from cartoons or anime
him: talking to the chair
the chair mind: I'm not corpse no one is on me
Dude it was so scary* man’s voice is from a horror movie
Never cared about his face reveal, never hated him nor anyone else, but the moment they mentioned the art work that looks like him, it spiked my interest in it.
His voice is so fucking hot.
My man looks like an anime character☠
Why does bro look photoshopped edited into the video
Can I put a blind fold on and hug you corpse.. honestly
Who came from the youtube shorts
Kinda emo, but that's cool lol
Also, bad idea, pretended to be mute
@anthonypadilla i love that the thumbnails are different EVERY TIME. You have exactly that many photoshopped stills of your different expressions and I feel you should spend a day with your editors to see exactly HOW MANY thumbnail selfies they have of you. There is not one repeated image of you in these thumbnails
‘You DO deserve happiness’ why do i feel like that was slightly aimed at corpse…
The fact that faceless YouTubers fear revealing their face is honestly so sad. They shouldn’t have to feel scared of revealing themselves to the world just because of how judgemental society is. Cant we all just accept that everyone is made just they way that they are meant to be.
“Shout out bingus”
bro I want corpse to do a face reveal… But, With all the reasoning he brought to this video. I get why he hasn't yet. But I won't judge him if he does. I GOT U BRO.
Can’t tell if he’s a robot cause those blinks be lookin awfully sketchy
release the country music cut!
man has the fakest sounding deep voice i've ever heard
it sounds like that type of voice where hes got a bad fucking loogie in his throat
mans sounding like Inosuke from demon slayer on his death bed
Bro i love corps’s voice
i won't be getting therapy because i have social anxiety and scared(i guess) to talk to people
i think also that i have a problem relating to my hands, but its my tendons because i have UNREADBLE hand writing, and problem squizing
"i spent a day with corpse"
atleast say that the figure thing is animated
"my voice is just primarily deep… because it's deep"
Why is corpse animated– is he a real person?
I don’t think it’s good for him to reveal his face because of what’s happened with dream people have some high expectations 😭😭😭
I related with him so much that after the podcast I burst into tears and I kept crying for a long time. Granted I have the same face anxiety issues, that people are always staring at me so I decided to wear a full face mask. I Don't wanna go in a lot of detail about it.
Where ever corpse is right now. I just wanna say It will be okay and I wish I could hug you
its all chill corpse! i think your pretty cool💪
Idc what he looks like, we’ll still love this boi
He seems very nice
I presume that isn’t actually corpse?
Wouldn’t doctors snitching on Corpse be a HIPPA violation? Like if he didn’t want anyone to know he was there, doesn’t that fall under doctor confidentiality?
I can't help but imagine someone razoring their face after watching this just to be at LEAST a bit like corpse 💀💀
Maybe like an emo teen, who knows, there are 8 billion people on this planet, at least one of em had done that
Edit: not saying that razoring your face is a joke
He shoulda wore a green screen suit
These are the stories that absolutely break my heart. Humans can be so cruel and I can’t wrap my head around it. The fact that he’s suffering from so many chronic illnesses along with the failures of humanity just isn’t fair. I don’t even know much about the guy, but I can empathize deeply.