AMONG US @ the Movie Theaters but Re-Animated in SPACE
Toons + Tunes
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We took the audio from our most popular Among Us video and animated it into a space story! 👍Thumbs up if you want more of these! Subscribe for more Toons & Tunes! & 📚Pre-Order FGTEEV Out of Time, our New Book ➡
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I like how you add Shawn eating snacks like he did in the real video
I like how all of the time Shawn is eating chips all the time
The best part was sans screaming because Alex was next to him
1:20 I to eat some popcorn
Wow😂 how the mom was "I kNoW WhEn hE lying" gets voted out, not imposter "lex?… AhAhAhA
so funny😂
Fgtv had the fork is he the second imposter?
Yanderes be like: 3:25
Rip Mike 1:25
Hhhh u
Niki I really don't want you
Why is shawn eating junk food
Shawn: gets scared of lex soda: you left me.
This is sound is wen they played among us in the theater
“oh oh there’s two, I’m safe I’m safe, EY, WHAT CHU DOING, EY SECURITY GET THAT MAN”
Hahhahhahahhahahahh choo choo Charles vs among us
LOL 😂 Her name rhymes with sexy!
2:53 made me laugh
Why Shawn eat everything 🤣
I got the switcheroo rescue book
But Pasha😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
2:40 this part is funny. i love it 😂👍
Birthday boy oI love aghavsh
among us sus
I like how Mike pushes Duddy
I love how chase ran from getting scared
2:53 3:48
2:53 lol Shawn drinking while he is dead
Is it just me or is animated Lexy kinda:🥴
Shawn! Really pls stop dancing 😂 even know it is your thing
0:10 we never get it done
Lex is a killer 0:31
1:41 I was in elexihwowho with Sharn
Has anyone everyone among us fgteev
I love how shawn is just snaking through the whole thing
Chase and Shawn be flossing lol😂😂😂
You make a part 2 on rainbow friend
Are you color-blind cuz you don't love colorblind and also you're saying blue
2:24 how lex says ok i guess its me😊
Hilarious are you guys thinking you 🙎🏽♀️ Mexican half black girl lady nu I'm only seven only seven only seven idiots
Booby booby booby
I'm trying to eat popcoen😅😅😅😂😂😅😅
Why do I love these more than the normal videos
"AhHhHhH i fOuNd A bOdY" the pose😂😂