AMONG US - CG Animated Short Film -

AMONG US – CG Animated Short Film

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An Among Us CG Animation/Short Film created by CKVFX.

Join the crew of the Skeld as they are terrorised by and imposter among them.

Please Like, Share and Subscribe to keep up to date with the further adventures of red.

We are huge fans of the game and concept, so we just had to have a play with the imposter idea.

No offence or copyright intended. Just big fans.

We hope you like it. Created during any work breaks and a lot of fun.

Credits included in the video.

Now with Subtitles.

Our First Reaction…..go check it out.

If you haven’t already, check out the game by Innersloth now:

Available on:
Steam :
Android :


Also available on Nintendo Switch.

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We are Visual Effects Artists that work primarily on low budget B Movies and occasionally dabble in other areas of Digital Creation (gaming, just for fun videos etc)

Consider subscribing so that you don’t miss out on some fun stuff that we have planned for the Channel.

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  1. The animations were amazing!!!

  2. I like animations how it shows that the imposter isnt a human… but a wild monster animal like alien creature

  3. Nearly gave me a heart attack, But fun to watch. It was horror, I like horror

  4. 3:30 holy golden god-this is gonna spank into heaven this is hilarious. at least ONE person potrayed the body ripped and devoured! otherwise its clean cut like wt heck

  5. 9:15 seriously? no concussion?? must be a dominant male or sentry.

  6. how is this skeld, this is a mothership of some sort

  7. The video is so cool it’s like in pretty bit better👍🏻


  9. It's yellow it's yellow he's so sus killed blue yellow that son of bitch

  10. This was so good it shall get a like, sub and follow

  11. From the beginning to the last
    This guy never failed to entertain us ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  12. Make the chapter 2 one com out now

  13. Honestly, why did Orange sound like Master Yoda???

  14. It is a very good and interesting movie.😃

  15. Nice 3-D video dude that was sick and also a little bit disgusting but it's still cool you're my favorite youtuber

  16. abi aşırı güzel olmuş 1006 kere izliycem grçekten

  17. This was really good! The amount of time it takes to animate something this long with voices and everything is crazy

  18. Make the entire chapter 2 no more hiding NOWWWWWWWWW

  19. Why were ther Voiceis so weerd?

  20. Mana bersambung lama saya tunggu

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