AMONG US - CG Animated Short Film -

AMONG US – CG Animated Short Film

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An Among Us CG Animation/Short Film created by CKVFX.

Join the crew of the Skeld as they are terrorised by and imposter among them.

Please Like, Share and Subscribe to keep up to date with the further adventures of red.

We are huge fans of the game and concept, so we just had to have a play with the imposter idea.

No offence or copyright intended. Just big fans.

We hope you like it. Created during any work breaks and a lot of fun.

Credits included in the video.

Now with Subtitles.

Our First Reaction…..go check it out.

If you haven’t already, check out the game by Innersloth now:

Available on:
Steam :
Android :


Also available on Nintendo Switch.

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We are Visual Effects Artists that work primarily on low budget B Movies and occasionally dabble in other areas of Digital Creation (gaming, just for fun videos etc)

Consider subscribing so that you don’t miss out on some fun stuff that we have planned for the Channel.

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  1. I was boomed away by the imposter and loved how he got shot but what what I love is pink is an imposter as you showed at the end
    Until others come😈

    Idea(part two pinks revenge)

  2. "he is not hurt, he is dead!" made me laugh lol

  3. I forgot about pink lmao XD That was awesome!

  4. Oh my gosh inner sloth can you give me stars in AmongUs

  5. very very 100000000000000000000000 % good

  6. It's very funny !!!! the funniest thing in this video is when red said's blue dead! and when purple said look at this thing its so ugly!!!

  7. It's really cool! will there be a sequel?

  8. i really enjoyed it one of the best among us animations i've ever seen😃😀😃😀

  9. Perfectly captures how dumb everyone is

  10. I like to when he said he is dead but he like I don't give a fuck about him

  11. This is one of the best Among Us movies of all time.I personally liked Yellow being an amazing imposter among the characters.Im so thrilled and can't wait for the next episode to be released.This film is truly a masterpiece.

  12. Fr !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. I least theirs one imposter left

  14. that is not based of of a video game it is a video game

  15. I'm tooblate to watch.But this is one of the most realistic short film I watched in amung us

  16. This suck and even worse than gmantonz😅

  17. Innersloth i love your game Among us

  18. It was high quality and so fun to watch.Nice credit song choice!😄

  19. hey there is noa spanish version of this,it was amazing and hillarious!!!

  20. u siad this man were dead, he is dead

  21. I'm just 6 years old so why did not make this ok☺😠😡

  22. This war unbelievable.We want part 2

  23. Amazing animation of among us , great job

  24. Red said blues hurt when he has no head

  25. Cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  26. This is a supper Iit wideo

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