All Among Us with Clay 🚀 Part 1
Roman Clay
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In this video I will show you how to make a figure characters from the game Among Us.
Sculpt Among Us with clay. For modeling, I use modelling clay (plasticine) and aluminum wire for the frame of the figure.
Sculpt Among Us with clay. For modeling, I use modelling clay (plasticine) and aluminum wire for the frame of the figure.
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Music: YouTube Library Song
#romanclay #clay #amongus #plasticine #plastilina
Yey among us!
Only 10 players in among us!
Wow , it's amazing
im suprised how good that works i love details and the hats
يلا 🥺 طيب يا رب يا رب و بنات انا محمد 🌺❤️🌺 سوسو حياتي انا وربي يعطيك الف الف مبروك التكريم الشهري في مصر منانت محمد 🌺 محمد بن راشد ال ابي طالب عليه السلام قال طيب يا 🔥💩
ابكو عرب
Sooooo cute:)
I love it
I love Among us!!
Детскую песню сладкие слушайте тебя не люблю люблю не хочу потерять тебя и Катя не хочу не хочу Илья механизмов не хочу не хочу искать Пика Пикачу
А я не поняла ГДЕ РОЗОВЫЙ
А все я уже увидела
Wowoooooooooo so cute
Good 😊 I Love it it's so amazing 😍 I will like it good ❤️
So beautiful your videos and entreitanement
I lo e the Play among us sí funny
Im among us yea 😄
I literally like your videos and I don’t worry I already scribe you get that notification bells and get it thumbs up especially like your new design I like your new design of the Among Us I put I was a master of the Among Us but you could be the master of me because I’m a YouTube or
I’m gonna say that you’re a genius
I ❤️ amungus charechtars
Tou are so talented. Good job👍👍💯
That looks so real!
Me too I like among us
Thanks for like and watching and among us for me
4:10 işte bu benim TvT 😊
Я Женя. 🐀
Es muy cool among us ami me gusta saludos desde Argentina
It would be cool if you made an among us horse
Eu falo português adoro amog us
Love among us 😍😍😍😍
You're really creative👍
그런데 왜 회색응없어요
00.00 – –7:24 = лепка всех цветов амонг ас
Girls pool
I love AMONG USSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is so good
Valla ben Türkiye liyim