11 y/o Nephew made me QUIT art! | drawing Among Us - Part 2 - amongus.gallery

11 y/o Nephew made me QUIT art! | drawing Among Us – Part 2

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Is my 11 y/o Nephew Filip actually better than me?

find me there too:
ig/tiktok/snapchat: @thekauczuk

#art #artist #satisfying #competition #amongus #drawing #challenge #inspirational

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  1. There both really good

    Pls pin me😊😊😊

  2. Both of you guys. You 2 are Amazing! ❤❤❤❤

  3. Wow so amazing drawing😊 I love your drawings, Keep it up!

  4. You win! But your nephew did so good❤❤🎉🎉 you both are amazing artists

  5. I finally found the second part

  6. I like the brothers version. CUZ IT ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE IT'S FROM THE GAME

  7. Can you pin me? Can you make me a picture too?

  8. you and your 11 year old nephew even tho im 10 IM TERRIBLE AT DRAWING your so good also your 11 year old nephew 🙂

  9. you won but congrats to the hard work for the nephew

  10. I think your nephew won because on the like eye part you made it too complicated and among us should be like cartoony

  11. Bro i swear his got changed💀i remember it looking like yours but a little less detailed why do i be seeing things

  12. I do not never thought I’d say this, but you won😂😂😂😂

  13. You destroyed your nephew also i don't think anyone would let themselves lose to an 11 year old

  14. Well not gonna lie he did a little better than you


  16. Ik bro is just joking but irl he is way better than his nephews he just says it to make them happy so yh

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