11 y/o Nephew made me QUIT art! | drawing Among Us - Part 2 - amongus.gallery

11 y/o Nephew made me QUIT art! | drawing Among Us – Part 2

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Is my 11 y/o Nephew Filip actually better than me?

find me there too:
ig/tiktok/snapchat: @thekauczuk

#art #artist #satisfying #competition #amongus #drawing #challenge #inspirational

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  1. you pls pin btw and I will sub and like

  2. dinghy your mephew

  3. I would still go for the nephew bcause urs is too realistic!!but its still wonderful❤

  4. I think you, your nephew is awesome for his age

  5. You won but your nephew is still really good 😊

  6. This guy is betterthan his nephew whoever commented the nephew is better is an idiot and a liar

  7. Pin me pls and I like both equally

  8. Kauczuk I think your among us is too realistic

  9. I think he won bc he followed the style of among us but urs is good too

  10. 11 yo bcz this is a drawing contest not a realism contest bruh

  11. I would prefer me 😂😂😂😅😅😅😅 just kidding 😂 you by the way

  12. Purple: pressed the emergency button green: WHO KILLED BROWN? Purple: impostor with blue i saw red. Red: SUS! Game: blue was an impostor.

    (Finish the story)

  13. The winner is the super artist you won 1,000,000,000$

  14. u won but ur nephew's is kinda good

  15. You definitely won, but surprising for an 11-year-old your nephew still did really good😅

  16. You want your nephew, nephew lost

  17. Can u pin me?


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