Among Us Fanart – Definitely Not Impostor
emmanuel panlican
Views: 3784
Like: 135
I recreated the alien kill animation in among us but more detailed (Literally). I hope you like it and don’t forget to like the page and the video. 🙂
PLEASE Subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel 😀 😀 😀
PLEASE Subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel 😀 😀 😀
You can buy this 3D model here –
More purchasable 3D model here-
Created in Zbrush, Blender, Substance Painter.
WOW! how does this not have more attention? You deserve a lot more for all that hard work. Amazing!
Very nice creation. Are you going to create more Among Us stuff?
This is sick! If you could just make lot of sick stuff like this and print it out
So cool man!! Nice👍👍
But it's too detailed
Nice job if you do short movie more people sub you
Awesome work! If you wish click on my channel icon to watch my new blender animations!
Woooow! Just wow! I love the details man! YOU NAILED IT Keep up the good work 👍👍
So detailed so creepy amazing
deberia tener 9000000000000000000000000000 de likes
tremenda waralajada nivel dios
Great Job! Love it all 🙂
me deu pena do azul
Emanuel Panlican me indica um bom curso de Substance painter.
Finally 3d among us