among us animation(vs impostor v4) -

among us animation(vs impostor v4)

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  1. You forgot about
    And red(who killed the chela in Week J)

  2. Black: how to kill people
    Black: makes yellow shape like a balloon
    Black: pops yellow
    Others: * interesting *
    Baby yellow: * crys *
    Black: kicks baby yellow.

  3. Чёрный его как футбольный мычь пнул 😅

  4. No pobre pobre tripulante amarillo pobrecito noooooooooooo

  5. Black is so dead cuz pink cares about babies BAHAHA-

  6. Fun fact: The airship map looks like an among us but different cause they have lines in the glass thingy in there heads.Tho i think many ppl realize this

  7. 0:13 Black make Yellow ballon and then he was bommed by Black's pin. Baby Yellow is sad because Father died

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