WE’RE IN AMONG US!! – Sonic & Amy REACT to AMONG US, but with Sonic the Hedgehog by Zun7
Sonic and Amy Squad
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Sonic and Amy react to an AWESOME Among Us Animation by Zun7!
▶️ Check Zun7’s Original Video:
🎤 Voice Actors:
🔵💨Sonic The Hedgehog (PatchToons):
🟣💨Amy Rose (Art With Artemis):
(All Sonic Characters rightfully belong to SEGA, these videos are created as a form of fan parodies and reactions intended for the purpose of entertainment)
#sonic #sonamy #react
No !!!
Marry amy Sonic or Soinc.exe will marry Amy
I’ll give you a hint sonic her name is Amy Rose
Sonic is so stupid lol
knuckles eat pizza
LOL im gun gamer LOL
Amy looks more dummy
I have attached the invoice for
Why you do sonamy
Hey what’s up how are you doing sonic and Amy
Sonic and amy are nice
Im subscribe
I’ll never do that
knuckles space
knuckles poor
knuckles rip
dancing sonic
no sonic
bye eggman
your my fan 1
i m a hacker
15 10000000000! Now 2 you
Among us not good game for and this game kills no anyone no one play it game
Robot sonic
They are so cute when They talk
Sonic Amy it’s no come outSonicexe
Who’s the real sonic? Gotta go fast or sonic and Amy squad?
Sonic hai de 100000000" subkerab de Sonic😁😁😁
Sonic: to Ez
Let's just say you play VS eteled on fnf
Whatever video you watched if it's either among us Sonic
Amy: Poor knuckles!
Sonic: R.I.P knuckles
How old are you sonic
sonic vs sonic exe
Im FNF game
This knuckles it’s a baby
Dude what this villains
I gacha tubers leVing we will remember her
Você pegaria amy
Sonamy yes I subscribe
Its amy!!!!!!!! sonic man