Mini Crewmate Kills MURDER DRONES Characters | Among Us -

Mini Crewmate Kills MURDER DRONES Characters | Among Us

Damn Seconds
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Robots will rule the world..

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  1. I love how accurate that He fight Doll with Knife dance theme

  2. Damn second sucks.🤬🖕🖕😡🤬🖕🤬😡🖕🤬😡🤬🤬🖕🤬

  3. кринжатина

  4. Bro thinks mini astronauts can beat god-like characters 😂

  5. All you have to defeat the Drones is WATER 💦

  6. I got brainrot☠️☠️☠️☠️ helppppppppp☠️

  7. Add rage red back please I like the art style of it

  8. Doom slayer Gojo and Goku this little among us And the fallout four protagonist can be murder drones

  9. Ты уже заипал они сильнее тебя долл может убить солвером она может тебя поднять солвером и убить как и син и узи но ты делаешь их слабыми

  10. Yellow among us guy: “bruh I’m just trying to enjoy life”

  11. he just learnt the skill because if he already knew then Obunga would be dead.

  12. Yellow
    Hi Red
    ._. hi
    You drink the tea

  13. Sus ojos son de color rojos xd y no de color amarillo

  14. N and uzi literaly said we out of here 😂😂

  15. El among us:espasion de dominio
    La otra creo que se llama doll o no se:a no mames llamen a super robot aaaq 1:43

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