If X-MAS in Among Us was a BFDI Challenge
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Pen Plush / Firey Plush:
Other BFDI-related merchandise:
Other BFDI-related merchandise:
Unfortunately, the Graphy website doesn’t seem to be running anymore, so Jacknjellify’s first Graphy course (Object Animator’s Toolbox) can’t be accessed. Here’s the link it used to be at:
Why profily sound like two
"Oh my Chipotle" i love when taco says that
I love your videos four and flower are my favorite characters lol.😊
EGGY SPITTIN FACTS🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣📢📢📢📢📢🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
People who like saw and tree❤😊
Is saw a girl or a boy
This birthed cade's sawpen fetishes
Fun fact: The impostors are voiced by Micheal Huang.
6:30 that looks like announcer's asset but recolored
i watched this and hated every second
Super wierd concept, super good execution!
"Which means your" ship blow up
Eggy is so cute
And also saw and taco
Donut and Rocky are Muslim
0:26 they see you when you sleeping
1:15 go to sleep contestants
the fact this exists makes my brain explode
5:09 saw moaning
Everyone: snore Balloony: HOLWOLWOLWOLWOLWOL
"which means your ship-"
Bro that got me dying 💀💀💀💀
Pen: "But, Xanta, where did you got this reactor coolent?"
Xanta: "I stole it from your spaceship!"
Pen: wait wha- how..? Saw: huh..!? how?
Xanta: "Which means your reactor is now OVERHEATING!"
Pen: " thinks how he stole it "
Xanta: "Which means your ship-🗿-
ded-"Ship: ☠
Me: 💀
Among us is one of my most favourite games ever and i like BFDI
Nooooooo treeeee
yEa GiRl U kNoW iM aLwAyS sPiTtIn FaCtS🤪🤪😜😜
-eggy 2 years ago
The ship exploded what
What was that scream? 5:06
Sall you kill rockey