How to make Among Us Characters from Polymer Clay (Easy)
Mel’s Crafts & More
Views: 136139
Like: 3015
Everybody is crazy about this game now! Let me teach you how to make these Among Us characters with polymer clay. Enjoy!
Please don’t forget to like and subscribe to my channel! Thanks a lot!
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#amongus #clayart #Diy
Nice video!!! Please check out my new origami video. You will love it 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
if i trick you pin me please Read more
I like it thank you very usefull but hard
It need to be 11
Hi I love this video hope you became a big youtuber
Wow this is insane! You need wayyyyyy more subs!
10/10 😚🔥
Hella underrated. Good work on the models, maybe you can make a claymation or stop motion with them?
pinay ka bHie?
you are underrated
All i have to say is, IT WAS BROWN!
this video kinda sus
can you use playdo as well
next: henry stickmin characters in polymer clay nice video btw
Brown not an impostor:
2 impostor remains
Among us has Henry stickman and Ellie in the game the stickman guys that follow you
O my god that’s amazing!
Me en canto
Jajkajaj there are so good
You should have more subs
Que tipo de plastilina utilizas ??
Red is sus not gonna lie.
red is sus
i wish i was a good artrist like u but no worries my hobby is artrist rright now im not so good burt i look to make.
stuff with clay but can you uhm like this and uh heart and also pin please that would be trhe best if not i understand😉
U must get more subs. THIS IS TRUE CONTENT!
Hi guys! Thank you for your awesome support! I'll be making more content soon. If you want more of Among Us content, hit the like button .. love love guys! ❤️❤️❤️
kinda sus if you ask me
you should use among us music
WTF IM SUBBING!!!&!.and vid suggestion.u should make a among us diorama
Yellow is the imposter
But red be looking kinda sus
Why did a Among Us got so popular all the sudden
i need polymer clay and paint because i dont have them
ooooo now i want to make an among us game but with them, theyre cute
I also made it .
these look so amazing! 10/10 btw, did you stick the grey part to the body with water?
How do I go into the vents like purple did?
They look so cute! I can’t wait to try making them! 🙂
I do have one question though, how long do you usually bake them? 🤔
Can i use air dry clay? i love your video ♡
Guys I swear I saw purple vent!!
Red is sus
When your famous… Will you remember your 532 subscriber…. Just some girl with luck
I recognize that music, is that from COD Zombies?
Woah this is a lot like the channel kerobyx!
Does it dry
Sorry idk lol