HAPPY EARLY HALLOWEEN!! | Among Us + Unfortunate Spacemen w/ Friends!
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#UndercoverSpacemen #Live #Livestream #Gaming #YoutubeGaming
Make sure to follow everyone who played!
@Dwayne Kyng
@Hey Charlie
@Rico The Giant
Make sure to follow everyone who played!
@Dwayne Kyng
@Hey Charlie
@Rico The Giant
Instagram : @_jazzyguns or click here!
Twitter : @_jazzyguns or click here!
Snapchat: @jasminedwayne16
lol I lost it when Dwayne appeared behind Jazz off camera saying "why" XD
1:32:34 was also my favorite part lol
i love that she dressed as the scarlet witch. wanda's one of my favourite characters but jasmine is Jazzy Maximoff now. but who is excited for scalet witch to soon be in marvel avengers game (i dont know when she going to be in the game but i hope soon)
Amonug us finnaaaaalllly….gurl I've not watched ur videos in a whike since the gameplays u play recently weren't for me so this is agreat one…ive an exam tommeow tho so imma watch this tommrow after i do my exam
Hi black Wanda
Me watching that first round of Among us and I’m just like dang Jazz you really didn’t remember you passed Tee in the hall before you went to electrical 😭💀
I’ve been watching and rewatching ALL of yours among us streams. I’m so happy there’s a new one with my favorite crew!!
Missed the stream cause I was at work 🥲😑
👀🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 perfect
Let’s goooooo 💪🏾💪🏾🥳🥳🥳🥳
Great stream as usual Jazz , missed the gang playing among us , please do a DBD stream soon ….
Wandavision w-wanda vision
Hii jazzy guns ❤️I love you sooo much ❤️ I hope you have a great Halloween 🎃
👀 That outfit though…
AYE JAZZYYYY im going as scarlet witch, too, except i got her finale outfit 😁😁 tried to get my man to be the lil uzi vision or vishawn, but he said no 😞
omg i loveeee your scarlet witch costume❤❤
Look, yaw don’t want to trigger Jazzy’s pvp ultra instinct…. They better stop shooting her…
22:37 xd
Did yaw skip the tutorial? The controls are probably in the options.
Yaw ain’t supposed to be talking so much!!! 🤣
Nice game Was dwyane vison??
nice Content, here from insta 😃😃
I like how people acted this was the first time Ego bodied
Looking good Jazzy….🔥🔥🔥🔥
@15:40 damn Jazzzzzz
The beginning was hilarious. Who made that game?
Damn, haven’t streamed among us in a while and they still trying to vote jazzy out. 😆
Also, I like the video. 👍
I miss the among us streams lowkey ❤
I stay missing these streams and finding out about them 12 hours later
I hope they are able to play this game with proximity chat, one day
dang ittt i mised another w stream hfiuehfuiehf but you guys' conversations always cack me up LMAO
Bruh, if Dwayne is dead "it's Jazz", if Dwayne alive "it's Jazz", I'm seeing a theme lmfao
Jazzy fully embraces her Scarlet Witch meme
Tigolbitties in the Air👀
Ngl when I saw your costume at first I thought you were catra from He-man
She the hottest gamer hands down 🔥❤💪🏽
Happy Holloween🎃 Jazzy
hi JazzyGuns I love your videos. Keep up the good work and Happy Halloween
Mommy? Sorry 😞 Mommy? Sorry
Give me milk? Sorry 😢 😭😂💀
"Who's been pulling all the evil strings, It was JazzyGuns all along" XD
Yo! F youtube for not notifying me!😤 ive been waiting for them to play among us again!
1:24:27 lmao 🤣
the W she got OMG
38:00 lol it's like Crayola picked the names.
jazz too good at among us for the rest of them lmaoo
Will you be Playing Emily Wants to Play Too?
Louve you jazz you look cute with fit i dress up a were wolf
rico and them damn meetings