Genshin Impact Voice Actors Play Among Us -

Genshin Impact Voice Actors Play Among Us

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Hosted by Zach Aguilar, the English voice actor of Aether, and Corina Boettger, the English voice actor of Paimon, join the cast of Genshin Impact as they embark on a quest beyond Teyvat… and into the world of Among Us. Emergency food has never been more relevant.

Special guests include the English voice actors for Lumine, Childe, Venti, Chongyun, Xingqiu, Ganyu, Xiangling, and the Genshin Impact voice director!

Zach Aguilar’s Socials (Aether)
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Corina Boettger’s Socials (Paimon)
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Sarah Miller-Crews’s Socials (Lumine)
■ Instagram:

Griffin Burns’s Socials (Childe)
■ Twitter:

Erika Harlacher’s Socials (Venti)
■ Twitter:

Beau Bridgland’s Socials (Chongyun)
■ Twitter:

Cristina Valenzuela’s Socials (Xingqiu)
■ Twitter:

Jen Losi’s Socials (Ganyu)
■ Twitter:

Jackie Lastra’s Socials (Xiangling)
■ Twitter:

Chris Faiella’s Socials (English Voice Director)
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#GenshinImpact #AmongUs

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  1. 9:35 Hey buddy hold still(Damn that voice.)
    12:02 The world's gonna end.
    16:04 That sneeze. LOL.
    26:45 You're gonna make a big mistake if you export me.
    27:26 Leave Me Alone. LOL. No.
    29:50 I am way behind schedule.
    37:26 SUS,SUS.
    37:58 Okay, its Paimon everybody vote Paimon I agree with Griffin(plus Griffin's laugh). LOL.
    1:11:02(Sobs) I don't even know what to say right now.
    1:23:18 Griffin giving innocence statement.
    1:24:12 Zach called me buddy. (That voice).
    1:24:22 Are you ready to be wrong ?
    1:31:15 Are you behind schedule on killing people ?
    1:31:59 I hate you.

  2. Ever since I started playing genshin impact I can't stop saying "Childe anyways so" as a joke 😭

  3. Was lowkey rooting for Bennett/Cristina bc they r rlly cool and they also voice act Killua one of my fav anime characters but holy crap i did not expect Bennett to kill so many lollll

  4. My favorites are chongyun and cingqiu I was so happy when they joined

  5. 9:33 this is just a replay button for childe's "hey girlie, hold still"

  6. childe in the stream: super trustworthy
    childe in genshin: is apart of the fatui

  7. Aether: Sweet Sister Lumine
    Famous last words

  8. Honestly I’m just imagining how much more fun and interesting this would be if they did a sort of roleplay, they played Among Us AS their characters, y’know?

  9. I like how griffins pfp was first bob ross and then changed it to childe

  10. I’m in the match at 1:58:03 I think it’s lumine or venti because chongyun and xingqiu were togther( this comment is for myself )

  11. Only now noticing Venti and Ann from P5 have the same VA

  12. This was fun to watch! I hope you guys stream again 😃
    Only thing I would like to point out that I didn’t like was that I didn’t like that someone accused chongyun of being defensive. I think he was just playing the game like everybody else was getting super heated and loud. So, i thought that was unfair when chongyun was just joining the fun. That aside, I hope the rest of the cast joins in on the next stream!<3

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