Funny Toast Among Us moments MONTAGE! *1000 Subscriber Special*
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hey, may i ask a favor. can u find out which video from where toast finds janet's dead body at reactor in MiraQ where he said "Life Goes On"? <3
What video is the first clip
I was today years old when I realized his intro says "disguised toast" not "this guy's toast" and now I feel like an idiot.
With these compilations, I always wish there are links to the original videos so that we can finish watching to figure out how the game ended. I watched pretty much all of toast's among us videos, but it's been a while and I've forgotten a lot, so I can't remember the conclusion to some of these videos.
omg so long, make my memory back…. your really doing great job
Wait where the links:(
1:37 what's was that part called?
You have 3k subs
this video is already enough for me to enjoy my valentines.!
Toast = good valentine's
Ohhh there's link in every time stamp
Awsome vid
Baguette eating hag 😂
just subscribed!! thank you for the contents i love it alll
Nice vid
15:48 Regina is way too funny and nostalgic <3
Y'all forgot the moment toast caught a baguette eating hag faking dragon.
3:26 anyone got the full vid??
16:14 got me good hahaha🤣
9:14 what video is that from
13:49 the meeting for this was funnier
Ur channel is so underated
dude i laughed so much
I can believe sykkuno killed toast