CREWMATE family – Among us animation
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Video produced by OGG animation
*Among Us game*
Among Us is an American made science fiction based murder mystery video game developed and published by Innersloth. Inc. It was released for IOS and Android on June 15, 2018, for PC on Steam on August 18, 2018 and for Dajolg on November 2, 2018. Among Us follows a crew being picked off one by one by an impostor.
In each game the player is one of 4 to 10 living and working in several different environments. One of these crewmates is an Impostor whose main goal is to kill everyone else. The remainder of the players are part of the regular crew who are just trying to escape unharmed. To do this, they have to complete several tasks or (better yet) find the Impostor and vote them out Survivor-style. If they are successful, the Crew wins. If the Impostor manages to kill them all, the player is victorious. In a 10 player game with one Impostor, there is a 10% chance of being an Impostor.
The free map, Skeld, has 14 different rooms that are connected by 7 hallways. Everyone begins the game in the Cafeteria and, depending on the host’s settings, as well as on RNG, Crew members have to visit some or most of the other rooms to complete their tasks.
While Impostors do not have tasks as their specific objectives, they can fake “completing” certain activities as a way to gain everyone else’s trust. Every user has a chance to call an emergency meeting or, upon seeing a dead body, to report it to everyone else. For the mobile release, discussions are only possible during these time-limited events.
If you are an Impostor, your main goal is to convince others that you are not the Impostor, while the Crew’s job is to spot you out. Since it is a voting system where the person with the most votes gets eliminated from the game, it does not really matter who does what. Instead, your argumentative powers are what makes a difference. To sway people in one direction or another, you have to be prepared to make your case as convincing as possible. There is a short time-limit, so you either have to present very strong evidence or come up with a believable narrative that will take others off your trail.
When you are killed by the Impostor, you become a ghost. Although you cannot interact or discuss with others, you can help them complete tasks.
Streamers complained about chat being main form of communications, so a lot of streamers used discord for voice chat.
Sound effects obtained from
Additional sound effects from
Music from
#amongus #badtiming #perfecttiming #amongusbadtiming #amongusfunn
I Love you among us 💙💛
I love it.
Cool wew sad now 💞💞😍💞😔 end bye
This video is the best
Ogg animation is the best
It is so sad in the end
Nice Ogg
Want at sad and friends for by all solder crewmate rest in peace to task
Is very nice
This very cool and sad
So many big sacrifices made in almost every video
After the Video, Yellow is now an Alien Food
So sad
Well done
Oh no 😨😱😢
4:12-What is the name of the music tell me please?
Imposter malditos and among us plis
Epic among us animation
Omg! In 9min there is 130 coments
La otra parte 🥺
Fantastic 👍
я очень люблю амонг ас мульты на этом канале
самый крутой канал про амонг ас
нормально лаву заминили на воду
I am so sad that they all died
Woah is a cool story
This is actually the person behind the polish bathroom stalls doors and he was the first captain
Epic Ogg Animation
Yes this show makes me 😥. Pls give its next show as soon as possible!
that was poor
Ogg ? Remember meeeee I am cyan !!!!!!!🤨
This best among us crewmates team ever🔥🔥❤️❤️
i don't underztand what happened at the end?
This is so sad
bro why you are not uploading 1video in 1 week
I love your videos too much 💙
The graphics of this channel are just fantastic 💙💙❤️❤️❤️