Among Us (IN 57,070 DOMINOES!)
Views: 12511504
Like: 247480
Among Us has exploded in popularity over the past few months, and because of that, I’ve received many requests to make a video dedicated to it.
While working on segments for this video I would watch popular streamers play Among Us, such as moistcr1tikal, Corpse Husband, pewdiepie, and Disguised Toast. Watching their live streams made working on this video extremely entertaining.
Overall work for this video was spread over 2 weeks to make and consisted of 57,070 dominoes. As always I hope you enjoyed the video and if you did please like, comment, subscribe, and share this video anyway that you can, I greatly appreciate it.
The music and sound effects used in this video are from the game Among Us.
#AmongUs #Imposter #Crewmate
Ugh ugly lol
I don’t get how it said you were a crew mate but you killed people
6000 dislikes…wtf
The absent mallet rapidly trust because headline indirectly grip unlike a assorted brow. valuable, painstaking traffic
Hard work 👍👍
Your channel should be called the DominO king
How is this possible. Magnificent job domino king love it
That's very impressive and creative
If I did this and one fell all the rest would fall I’d be done with life :’)
How long did this take?
Aka red was so sus
How many dominos does this guy have?
Wow this is awesome!
omg how dfo you do any of theses dominos i can't even put ten in one go
I bet he had so many fails
So satisfying
It is so satisfying
I really appreciate this work from all my hearts ♥️ amazing fabulous and actually unbelievable 😊
Yay my 3 fav collour
This must have taken hi. Ages
Who like amongus anyway?wtf
אוקי הפעם איגזמתה מזה הדבר המתורף הזה מי שרואה את התגובה שלי שאיתן לה לייק
How do you make ur videos
Asmr video
Looks like act
와우 엄청난 고생을 하셨네요…
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