Aether and Lumine's VAs bickering like siblings in Among Us | Genshin Impact stream clip animatic -

Aether and Lumine’s VAs bickering like siblings in Among Us | Genshin Impact stream clip animatic

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Zach Aguilar (Aether’s VA) stream source

Sarah Miller-Crews (Lumine’s VA)

Erika Harlacher (Venti’s VA)

Christian “Man Dressed as a Worker” Banas (now Thoma’s VA :D)

Outro song – Summertime by Maggie

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  1. Venti is like that one visiting uncle, that’s all

  2. My sister wasn’t nearly as cool when we were playing dbz as kids and she wouldn’t stop spamming cell and then I called her a satan.

  3. This is the twins if they actually fight lmao

  4. i had a twin but miscarriage. i think its a brother though i have no idea if its elder or younger. i feel like he gave up his life for me TT if only i had a twin

  5. Lummie was the one who control stormtreeor

  6. lumine: i'm satan?
    me: ya don't say (surprised nicolas cage's face)

  7. I think Laura said "Oh my goodness gracious" aakkdksks lmao Barbara vibes-

  8. Lumine has the most infectious laugh amongst any of them

  9. That drawing at the end, SO WHOLESOME!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

  10. their bickering is more realistic than their sibling interactions in game lmaooo

  11. This isn't a real sibling fight , a sibling fight would have a slap and a curse words.

  12. If only we knew that Christian was Thoma back then, would've been funny to have Thoma in the car instead for the illustration!

  13. Aether: lumine is satan
    Lumine: it is time for you to die

  14. Unknown god: that is why i separate them, your welcome

  15. Where can I buy a dictionary with pictures?!?? I need this.

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