【HoloEN】Among Us FULL EN COLLAB~ #HoloENAmongUs
this wouldn’t have been possible without Kiara who set it all up! ty Kiara!!!!
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Ame used her skills to pinpoint target the imposters. Even though there was some misfire, most of her deductions were correct! This proves that Ame is a real detective.
1:22:04 perfect cut scream Calli is just pure gold lol
Nice collab! HoloEN feels like a warm family! Glad you all treat each other like real family and love each other. The moment that Bae's in her idol meeting everyone in the VC started singing is so kind and happy. I like it. And everytime Ame met someone,both of them screaming was so fun Keep going,HoloEN!!! Expect the collab for next weekend. OtsuEN !
You did great detective! I really love when you tease Calli.
I have been waiting for another Among Us full collab since the one with Gen 5 last year, and it did not disappoint. Ame you were on fire today.
GJ Ame. This stream is very amezing!
The amount of chaos, and stress you caused was silly and no one took it seriously, or ever really doubted you good job surviving mostly:3
Having the whole en gang together was really special, dynamics were great
the only game you lost was the one where you died! that's our number one detective.
this was probably my favorite collab so far!! there were so many instant classic moments. And you seemed to be having a really fun time too :^) anyway, you're lucky I'm on cooldown.
That was really fun,
Thanks for streaming!
That was a fun stream. You sure like to pick on Calli, and I can’t blame you, she’s so cute when bullied! You did excellent detective work! It was nice seeing You today. Even if it was for such a short time. You’re sweet, fun, smart, and beloved. Don’t forget you have my support, for what it’s worth.
this stream was frustrating but I had fun😁
no puedo creer que Amelia no fue impostora!!!! 😮 thank you for the collab it was amazing!!! it was awesome to see all hololive EN together!
When AME and Kronii die together:
Time has run out.
Their out of time.
No time for games.
Your clocks been punched.
IrYS killed ALL of council 🤣 had to remove her competition.
Note: I love Kronii and Fauna realizing the plot in chat.
I wish I could kiss that massive brain of yours, my jaw was on the floor every time you called out the imposters. I knew you could do it Ame! Maybe your head was hurting from how hard your brain was bulging during the game, give that thing some rest lol. Thank you and your friends for this Ame!
Love our detective in this collab. The wholesomeness at the end and Ame being troll to Calli, love this girl and the fam
Favorite part was definitely the timing at 1:11:28
“Well if I was one I’d kill you, unless I’m on cool down, in which case I’ll follow you until my cool down’s over.”
“And…… you know……. for me……”
Literalmente me hizo el dia, no podia parar de reir
Thanks for the stream Ame 💛💛💛
Ame was amazing in this
Only truly ace detectives conduct their inquiries regarding a case through 4D mind games that could get them killed, tailing the suspects after death and leading the comms with undying assertiveness while making the audience laugh and stare in awe at her abilities! Judge Ame IS THE LAW, one above the scuff of EN.
Truly a Collab for the history books, establishing the branch as a well consolidated family, that can truly bounce off each others humor and personalities really well, and opening the door for the next adventure in the hands of it's greatest director; Ame herself.
1:22:02 just leave it here for me
The key to win as imposter is to kill ame early as it was proven that the only time imposter won was when calli killed ame first in the second round. My cute detective cannot be this OP.
Amelia is so cute
Sucks that I missed this collab. Time to watch all of the POVs one by one lol
1:47:20 I love this interaction
I swear at this point a few years from now mumei will still be having something to do with berries and bushes
1:30:21 there are so many great moments but my fav is here
6:20 23:35 39:43
12:35 28:53 1:22:05 1:29:42 1:46:50 lmaoo
25:30 45:05 ame…
57:20 Haunting Calli
1:07:35 kiara panic
1:11:27 that timing on the kill lmao
1:16:10 I've never done that task before too and I would've spammed the horn also
1:17:00 making a burger while everything is on fire
1:21:05 1:29:20 1:37:00 Amelia "I'm on cooldown" Watson
1:30:25 Ame and Gura
1:33:50 idol meeting music
1:36:10 jesas
1:37:25 downloading from the cockpit
1:43:12 super high pitched
1:47:20 Ame this stream summarised
1:50:45 Ame taking the bullet for Gura LOL
55:40 Calli's pro gamer move
1:50:48 "Oh hey you're still alive"
1:22:09 Calli sounds like Marv getting electrocuted.
Realmente no entiendo muy bien el inglés pero esto estuvo tan divertido qué terminé viendo todo el video
I loved this stream, too many good moments. It made my day
I love seeing you happy and playing with your genmates and kouhai
Trolling Calli was really funny too
I watched it live but I forgot to leave a comment
1:33:55 Incredible.
Ame #1
1:50:49 I swear if Iyrs had gotten Gura then it was ggs but, since Ame was in range she took the hit and thus making the crewmates victorious.
Please forgive me Ame, I watched Gura live.
nice reasoning detective, well down!
This was almost too much fun! Everyone gets along so well together and that really makes viewing this so Amezing! Can't wait for the next Collab you're planning Ame!
Kronii's dead body lying on the ground, Ame: *walks away*, I hate this part of the map.
T awaaaa!
Amelia very nearly succeeded in unknowingly falsely accusing Gura. The thing that I think saved her was that though Amelia falsely believed Gura was guilty she remembered the bad experience Gura had previously and let Gura "get some more kills" so Gura wouldn't feel unjustly targeted, which hilariously enough let Gura survive long enough to find evidence that exonerated her. It was like a cinematic courtroom drama. Finally, FINALLY, Gura was vindicated. Very, very satisfying.
I'm glad I watched this stream as my viewpoint to the shenanigans. Amelia's perspective was great one to see Gura's triumph and Ina's amazing run as Imposter. Amelia was as always hilarious and entertaining.
I really love that Sana was still included despite her being on break.
so sad i can't watch this live because our internet sucks
This stream was just Kiara third impostering lmao