Speed Paint- Among Us Fan Art! Me, An Imposter? Part 2- Coloring, Shading, And Added Effects
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Part 2 of my Among Us fanart speed paint video! I’m really proud of how this turned out (though the finished pic, I realized something was a little off so I fixed it. Sadly it won’t be in the video but oh well.)
I’m REALLY happy about how the blood turned out! It looks SO good and so creepy, I love it!
This took me a couple of days to finish this but it paid off in the end! I haven’t drawn for a bit cause I was playing games, painting, streaming, and making videos that I didn’t realize how long it’s been since I used a sketch book.
I’m REALLY happy about how the blood turned out! It looks SO good and so creepy, I love it!
This took me a couple of days to finish this but it paid off in the end! I haven’t drawn for a bit cause I was playing games, painting, streaming, and making videos that I didn’t realize how long it’s been since I used a sketch book.
I hope you guys enjoy part 2 of this video! ^_^
Program to draw this pic: Paint Tool Sai
pic drawn/recorded by: me