I spent a day with CORPSE HUSBAND
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🧨HUGE thank you to CORPSE:
▸ Creator, Director, Writer, etc. – Anthony Padilla
▸ Executive Producer – Alessandra Catanese
▸ Production Coordinator, Co-writer & Research – Elise Felber
▸ Director of Photography/Gaffer – Zach Zeidman
▸ Editor – Mike Criscimagna ()
▸ Assistant Editor – Patrick Horba
▸ Post PA / Assistant Editor – Ash Duckworth
🎵Theme Music Composer – Matt Good AKA The King of Emo
🖼Portrait painted by: Rhianna Robles –
▸ If you are part of an underrepresented subculture or live a lifestyle you feel is not widely understood and would like to be interviewed by me, email inquiry[at]pressalike.com with your subculture in the title of the email.
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💉Self plug
Bro hot demon bitches near you fire
Bro I swear he doesn't deserve all the hate. He's so nice, and he got famous purely on accident, but now feels like he can't live a normal life in the real world because of it. I swear if his face ever gets leaked, I'm never looking at it. I'm taking off my glasses and going legally blind if anyone ever tries to show it to me, because I feel for him so much, even though I could never imagine being in his situation.
Corpse deserves more… man 🙁
Anyone notice how his voice is exactly the same voice as Archer…….
To this day, I hope he’s ok💙
I don't understand why other people hate on someone who is struggling
Yes. Another normal day just falling off roofs and sitting in a couch
these dudes breathing abt to make me act up ;P
nah but luv u Corpse <3 take it easy and do regular self care stuffs
some men just want to watch the world burn- Alfred The Dark Knight
Lol I'm like corpse I were a mask 247 and avoid talking at all cost just I don't know why I do it and now that covid is gone people look at me like IM a freak and think I were it because I think I look ugly do people always and will forever think that
Honestly this is why I don’t like people cause everyone showing hate to corpse and dream are Literally disgusting.
I don’t know how you can love someone and they switch up so fast. None of you people deserve corpse or dream.
Man he just said he cut his face with a fucking razor blade😰
I can actually do the voice cause mine is very deep naturally, but to be at Corpse level i have to force a bit.
Corpse is such a genuine person, who is so kind and gentle. His laughter is so infectious, and it’s so sad that people try to clickbait his face reveal for views. He’s a person for fucks sake, not a toy. He deserves to be treated like a human being, because he IS a human being, with feelings. Let us all give ourselves blindfolds, and him a big, warm, virtual hug.
Miss this man
This guy needs to narrate audio books. His voice is literally how I imagine Zade from Haunting Adeline & Hunting Adeline would sound..
i’m so confused like is this an animation
I remember one time someone thought i was corpse because im basically physically the same as corpse and then i have a deeper voice before that whole shadow vid thing lol
I know I’m two years late but I wish I could help him so much ❤❤
I love the animated corpse 😄
Also the fact that Anthony was talking to a chair all along
When he said "i avoid at all cost anywhere in public".
Felt him because that's just me plus i dislike like showing myself
So I have been binging this channel all day…I just figured out that Anthony is from SMOSH…😮 I grew up on SMOSH how did I not put 2 and 2 together. Great interviews! Glad to see you are still on YouTube and doing great!
You should do another interview with corpse! Wish you luck with your health and any other problems going on corpse!
He sounds like pierre X0
I love his voice I never him about that but I love it
I love how corpse is blinking
Poor Corpse man… I can barely watch this. I didnt know about his chronic illness, I never became a fan of his. Just seen him pass through Sweet Anita's channel for example… But dang, now I just wish he finds some people who are truly there for him and support him and all that. Its rough to hear all that.
Me and my daughter love corpses music me and her will be jamming out to on my way to work
Corpse husband is so sweet. I hate people who can't respect boundaries. I have zero interest to see his face, not that I'm not curious but I just have respect for him and his boundaries.
Honestly I used to think I was corpse in my past life because with enough practice I could get close to his voice
I love when musicians make hardcore music, but irl they are such sweethearts. 💖
I am giving you both a virtual hug 🥰
did Anthony saw his face or that was a 3D model
For a second i thought corpse was real..
That artwork is just INSANE
i even stopped for a secong to consider if it was him but with like really elaborate makeup but then i saw the obvious tell signs thay it was animated.
It's just too good
Though seeing corpses face would be, LITERALLY, SICK, I respect his boundaries. I love corpse, but it’s sad to see how anxious he is on the life of YouTube. ☹️
Corpses voice sounds like he would kill somebody if he could, but his personality? OH MY GOD WHERE DO I START. ITS SO CUTE, AND KIND, AND JUST- 🌸🌷🌹🌺💐🌲🌈
I love corpse❤
Ngl after seeing how badly Dream got blasted after his face reveal I don’t ever want Corpse to show his face. The beauty standard within society is so specific that if you don’t look EXACTLY how someone pictures you then you’re deemed as “ugly” which is such a stupid mentality. And the pressure for these faceless content creators must be so real because if they reveal themselves even if they look like the most normal person on the planet they’ll be called ugly, which is sad
We love u corpse I’d kill to be ur friend. You are doing great boo. Life is soo incredibly hard. It’s hard to do the right thing for you. IM SO PROUD OF YOU.
the thing about corpses face reveal is someone will be disappointed.
Bro if corpse’s face is anywhere near as hot as his voice there should be no judgement
Self fulfilling prophecy
Love the fact he is animated on this instead of just having his face covered
Love you corpse husband and Anthony Padilla <3
God bless this guy I hope find his peace of mind
Corpse is so cool qwq
(His voice is so cool as well holy cow- (reminds me of Horror!Sans-))
I want to hug Corpse.
Literally every one of us could have seen corpses face in public and didnt know it
I remember when i had a really deep voice, its not as deep as Corpse but it was there. I changed my voice to have a higher tone due to the strange reactions i got from just talking naturally deep. I'm learning to appreciate my natural deep voice now from Corpse. Thank you and i hope everything still stays well.
come back next week for *I spent a day with REALITY SHIFTERS*.
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